mirror of https://github.com/InsanusMokrassar/TelegramBotAPI.git synced 2024-09-27 21:16:09 +00:00

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# TelegramBotAPI changelog
## 0.12.0 Webhooks
* Added `DataRequest` interface which replace `Data` interface
* `MultipartRequestImpl` now use `DataRequest`
* All requests which implements `Data` now implement `DataRequest`
* Added class `SetWebhook` and its factory
* Added class `UpdatesFilter` which can help to filter updates by categories
* Added function `accumulateByKey` which work as debounce for keys and send list of received values
* Added webhooks functions and workaround for `Reverse Proxy` mode
* Added new type of updates `MediaGroupUpdate`, which can be received only from filters
* `UpdatesFilter` now use new type of updates for mediagroups
* Add `GetWebhookInfo` request and `WebhookInfo` type
* Replace updates types into separated place in types
* Now default `RequestException` will contain plain answer from telegram
* Added `UnauthorizedException`
* `RequestException` now is sealed
* Rename `ReplyMessageNotFound` to `ReplyMessageNotFoundException`
* Added `List<BaseMessageUpdate>#mediaGroupId` extension
* Added utility `T#asReference(): WeakReference(T)` extension
* Added `UpdatesPoller` class which can be instantiated for manage updates polling
* Separated execute extensions (now they are in file `Executes`) and poller creating extensions
* `BaseMessageUpdate#toMediaGroupUpdate()` will also check condition when update-receiver already is `MediaGroupUpdate`
### 0.12.1 Hotfix for media groups
* Added additional media group types (like `MessageMediaGroupUpdate`)
* Fixed handling of media group updates in `UpdatesFilter`
### 0.12.2
* New in `MediaGroupUpdate`:
* It is subtype of `Update` and can be use as regular update with list of messages
* Data now is list with `MediaGroupMessage`
* Added field `origins` which represent origin updates for `MediaGroupMessage`
* `updateId` now represent LAST id of origins updates
* `UpdatesFilter` and other objects now work with `UpdateReceiver<Update>` as common supertype
for receivers.
### 0.12.3 Cleaning
* Refactor, optimizing and cleaning of code
* Removed deprecated method `T#toJsonWithoutNulls()`
* Renamed instances of `MediaGroupMessage`s and refactored their interfaces. `ChannelMediaGroupMessage`
will not contain `user` field (but `CommonMediaGroupMessage` will have)
* Now `MediaCollectionContent` is `MediaContent` (classes of this interface must choose best
media for present out)
* `PhotoContent` now choose biggest photo size from its collection as `media`
* Fix in order of media group messages which was received by webhooks
## 0.11.0
* Kotlin `1.3.11` -> `1.3.21`
* Kotlin coroutines `1.1.0` -> `1.1.1`
* Kotlin serialization `0.9.1` -> `0.10.0`
* Ktor `1.1.1` -> `1.1.2`
## 0.10.0
* Most part of abstractions was replaced from `requests` and `types` on more high level
* Added abstraction `CommonVenueData`
* Added abstraction `CommonContactData`
* Added `InputMessageContent`
* Update some types and requests according to abstractions replacing
* Add all `InlineQueryResult`, `InputMessageContent` and other inline mode types
* Fixes in edition of inline messages and their result types
* Replace basic exception and add `ReplyMessageNotFound` exception
### 0.10.1
* Change algorithm of `executeUnsafe`: now it use loop instead of recursive calling
* Add additional `startGettingUpdates` with better management of received updates for media groups
* Now `MediaGroupMessage` is `CommonMessage` with `MediaGroupContent` content
* Added extensions `replyTo`, `forwarded` and `chat` for `List<BaseMessageUpdated>` for comfortable
work with media groups lists
* Fix `parseMode` of `InputTextMessageContent`
### 0.10.2
* Fixes in `Username`
* Now you can create username object using string which is not starting with `@`
* Now `Username` correctly comparing with strings, which are not starting with `@`
* Now most part of usernames in library have type `Username`
* Fix `replyMarkup` in `InlineQueryResultArticle`
### 0.10.3
* Hotfix for username data class
## 0.9.0
* Old extension `OkHttpClient.Builder#useWith` now deprecated and must be replaced by the same in
`com.github.insanusmokrassar.TelegramBotAPI.bot.Ktor` package
* Replace `ProxySettings` data class in `settings` package, deprecate old link
* `BaseRequestsExecutor` now have no it's own scope
* Add `RequestLimiter` and base realisations
* Now `KtorRequestsExecutor` can receive as one of parameters `RequestLimiter` (by default - `EmptyLimiter`)
### 0.9.1
* Updated built-in lengths restrictions
* Apply restrictions of text limit for sending messages
* Add `RegularTextMessageEntity` which is useful for representing regular text message entity
* Add `convertToFullMessageEntityList` which create list of entities with `RegularTextMessageEntity` on places where
must be regular text
* Change signature of `createMarkdownText`: now it will return list of strings
* Deprecate old signatures of `createMarkdownText`, `toMarkdownCaption`, `toMarkdownText`
* Add `ResendableContent#createResends` which create adapted list of resends for content
* Add `TextContent` own `createResends` realisation
### 0.9.2
* `RequestsExecutor#executeAsync(Request, CoroutineScope)` now will return `Deferred` for cases when you need result
* `RequestsExecutor#executeUnsafe` will automatically retry request if it was unsuccessful and retries > 0
### 0.9.3
* `KtorRequestsExecutor` now can use custom `JSON` string formatter (by default - non strict)
* `ResponseParameters` renamed to `Response`
* Add `RequestError` sealed class and described in documentation known errors
* Add `ResponseParametersRaw` which can create error based on input parameters
* Add `parameters` field in `Response` and remove useless fields from `Response`
* Add `leftToRetry` parameter in `RetryAfterError`
* Add handling of `RetryAfterError` in `KtorRequestsExecutor`
### 0.8.5
* Add extension `String#toMarkdown`
* Fix of inserting of text when create Markdown-adapted text from text and text entities
* Fix default realisation of MessageEntity#asMarkdownSource
### 0.8.4
* Added `createMarkdownText` and extensions for `CaptionedMediaContent` and `TextContent`
* Added `ResendableContent` and realize in different contents
* Animation
* Audio
* Document
* Photo
* Sticker
* Video
* VideoNote
* Voice
* `MessageContent` now is `ResendableContent`
* Now all media sending factories which contains `thumb` have default `null` value
* `ChatIdentifier` classes now are `data` classes
* Now `MediaGroupContent` interface contains `toMediaGroupMemberInputMedia` method for easily creating mirror input media
* Change signature of `Update`
* Now `Update` is untyped and data is `Any`
* Media groups now are separated type of updates and you can subscribe on that receiving directly
* Now `AdministratorChatMember` is interface and `CreatorChatMember` implement it
### 0.8.3
* Now `ForwardedMessage` contains nullable `from`
### 0.8.2
* Add `FromUserMessage` which must be implemented in all messages realisations which have `user` field
* Add `CommonMediaGroupMessage` which in fact extension of `MediaGroupMessage` with implementation of `FromUserMessage`
* `CommonMessageImpl` now implementing `FromUserMessage`
### 0.8.1
* Update `MediaGroupMessage` interface
* Add implementation of `MediaGroupMessage`
* Add generating of `MediaGroupMessage` in `RawMessage`