mirror of https://github.com/InsanusMokrassar/TelegramBotAPI.git synced 2025-03-14 02:22:34 +00:00

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TelegramBotAPI extensions

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What is it?

It is wrapper library for TelegramBotAPI. Here you can find extensions for RequestsExecutor, which are more look like Telegram Bot API requests and in the same time have more obvious signatures to help understand some restrictions in Telegram system.


This library always compatible with original TelegramBotAPI library version

How to implement library?

Common ways to implement this library are presented here. In some cases it will require additional steps like inserting of additional libraries (like kotlin stdlib). In the examples will be used variable telegrambotapi-extensions-api.version, which must be set up by developer. Available versions are presented on bintray, next version is last published:



Dependency config presented here:



To use last versions you will need to add one line in repositories block of your build.gradle:

jcenter() or mavenCentral()

And add next line to your dependencies block:

implementation "com.github.insanusmokrassar:TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api:$telegrambotapi_extensions_api_version"

or for old gradle:

compile "com.github.insanusmokrassar:TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api:$telegrambotapi_extensions_api_version"

Example of usage and comparison with TelegramBotAPI

Here presented review table for comparison of api from original TelegramBotAPI and extensions-api library. First of all, this library allow to create bot instance in a new way:

val bot = telegramBot("IT IS YOUR TOKEN")

There are a lot of signature for this. For example, you can create bot with next code:

val bot = telegramBot("IT IS YOUR TOKEN") {
    proxy = ProxyBuilder.socks("", 1080)

In all examples supposed that you have created bot.

TelegramBotAPI TelegramBotAPI-extensions-api
bot.execute(GetMe) bot.getMe()
bot.execute(SendTextMessage(someChatId, text)) bot.sendTextMessage(chat, text)


Currently, these paragraphs almost outdated due to the fact that extensions for listening of updates and webhooks were replaced into TelegramBotAPI-extensions-utils. But, most part of information below is correct with small fixes and adding of TelegramBotAPI-extensions-utils dependency.

Usually, it is more comfortable to use filter object to get separated types of updates:

val filter = FlowsUpdatesFilter(100)

In this case you will be able:

  • Separate types of incoming updates (even media groups)
  • Simplify launch of getting updates:
    scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)
  • Use filter flows to comfortable filter, map and do other operations with the whole getting updates process:
filter.messageFlow.mapNotNull {
    it.data as? ContentMessage<*>
}.onEach {

Alternative way

There is an alternative way to get updates. In fact it is almost the same, but could be more useful for some cases:

val filter = bot.startGettingOfUpdates(
    scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)
) { // Here as reveiver will be FlowsUpdatesFilter
    messageFlow.mapNotNull {
        it.data as? ContentMessage<*>
    }.onEach {