Package-level declarations


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Core DSL part of Inline Keyboard DSL. Can accept only InlineKeyboardButton and returns ready to use InlineKeyboardMarkup via build method

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Core DSL part of Keyboard DSL. Can accept only KeyboardButton and returns ready to use ReplyKeyboardMarkup via build method

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fun Boolean? = null, oneTimeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, inputFieldPlaceholder: String? = null, selective: Boolean? = null, persistent: Boolean? = null): ReplyKeyboardMarkup

Creates InlineKeyboardMarkup using internal matrix

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Factory-function for InlineKeyboardBuilder, but in difference with inlineKeyboard this function will create single-row inline keyboard

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inline fun flatReplyKeyboard(resizeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, oneTimeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, inputFieldPlaceholder: String? = null, selective: Boolean? = null, persistent: Boolean? = null, block: ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.() -> Unit): ReplyKeyboardMarkup

Factory-function for ReplyKeyboardBuilder, but in difference with replyKeyboard this method will create single-row keyboard

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Factory-function for InlineKeyboardBuilder. It will apply to internally created InlineKeyboardMarkup and then

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inline fun replyKeyboard(resizeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, oneTimeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, inputFieldPlaceholder: String? = null, selective: Boolean? = null, persistent: Boolean? = null, block: ReplyKeyboardBuilder.() -> Unit): ReplyKeyboardMarkup

Factory-function for ReplyKeyboardBuilder. It will apply to internally created ReplyKeyboardMarkup and then

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fun ReplyKeyboardMarkup(vararg buttons: KeyboardButton, resizeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, oneTimeKeyboard: Boolean? = null, inputFieldPlaceholder: String? = null, selective: Boolean? = null, persistent: Boolean? = null): ReplyKeyboardMarkup
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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.requestChannelButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, isPublic: Boolean? = null, isOwnedBy: Boolean? = null, userRightsInChat: ChatAdministratorRights? = null, botRightsInChat: ChatAdministratorRights? = null, botIsMember: Boolean? = null): Boolean
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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.requestChatButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, isChannel: Boolean? = null, isForum: Boolean? = null, isPublic: Boolean? = null, isOwnedBy: Boolean? = null, userRightsInChat: ChatAdministratorRights? = null, botRightsInChat: ChatAdministratorRights? = null, botIsMember: Boolean? = null): Boolean
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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.requestGroupButton(text: String, requestId: RequestId, isForum: Boolean? = null, isPublic: Boolean? = null, isOwnedBy: Boolean? = null, userRightsInChat: ChatAdministratorRights? = null, botRightsInChat: ChatAdministratorRights? = null, botIsMember: Boolean? = null): Boolean
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Creates and put WebAppInlineKeyboardButton. Please, remember that this button is available in private chats only

Creates and put WebAppKeyboardButton