
interface BehaviourContextWithFSM<T : State> : BehaviourContext, StatesMachine<T>

Interface which combine BehaviourContext and StatesMachine. Subcontext of triggers and states contexts must have one common flow of updates and must not lose updates between updates

See also


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object Companion


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abstract fun <I : T> add(kClass: KClass<I>, strict: Boolean = false, handler: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, T>)

Add NON STRICT handler to list of available in future BehaviourContextWithFSM. Non strict means that for input State will be used KClass.isInstance and any inheritor of kClass will pass this requirement

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open fun <I : T> addStrict(kClass: KClass<I>, handler: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, T>)

Add STRICT handler to list of available in future BehaviourContextWithFSM. Strict means that for input State will be used State::class == kClass and any State with exactly the same type will pass requirements

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expect abstract fun close()
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abstract override fun copy(bot: TelegramBot, scope: CoroutineScope, broadcastChannelsSize: Int, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow, upstreamUpdatesFlow: Flow<Update>?, updatesFilter: BehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<Boolean, Update>?): BehaviourContextWithFSM<T>
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abstract suspend fun <T : Any> execute(request: Request<T>): T

Unsafe execution of incoming request. Can throw almost any exception. So, it is better to use something like dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.shortcuts.executeAsync or dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.shortcuts.executeUnsafe

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abstract suspend fun StatesMachine<in T>.handleState(state: T): T?
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open suspend fun launchStateHandling(state: T, handlers: List<CheckableHandlerHolder<in T, T>>): T?
open suspend fun launchStateHandling(state: T, contextUpdatesFlow: Flow<Update>, handlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>>): T?
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open suspend fun start(): Job
abstract fun start(scope: CoroutineScope): Job
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abstract suspend fun startChain(state: T)


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open override val allowedUpdates: List<String>
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abstract val allUpdatesFlow: Flow<Update>
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abstract val allUpdatesWithoutMediaGroupsGroupingFlow: Flow<Update>
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abstract val asUpdateReceiver: UpdateReceiver<Update>
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open val bot: TelegramBot
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abstract val callbackQueriesFlow: Flow<CallbackQueryUpdate>
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abstract val channelPostMediaGroupsFlow: Flow<ChannelPostMediaGroupUpdate>
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abstract val channelPostsFlow: Flow<ChannelPostUpdate>
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abstract val chatJoinRequestUpdateFlow: Flow<ChatJoinRequestUpdate>
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abstract val chatMemberUpdatesFlow: Flow<CommonChatMemberUpdatedUpdate>
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abstract val chosenInlineResultsFlow: Flow<ChosenInlineResultUpdate>
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abstract val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
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abstract val editedChannelPostMediaGroupsFlow: Flow<EditChannelPostMediaGroupUpdate>
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abstract val editedChannelPostsFlow: Flow<EditChannelPostUpdate>
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abstract val editedMessageMediaGroupsFlow: Flow<EditMessageMediaGroupUpdate>
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abstract val editedMessagesFlow: Flow<EditMessageUpdate>
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open val flowsUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter

This parameter will be used to subscribe on different types of update

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abstract val inlineQueriesFlow: Flow<InlineQueryUpdate>
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abstract val messageMediaGroupsFlow: Flow<MessageMediaGroupUpdate>
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abstract val messagesFlow: Flow<MessageUpdate>
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abstract val myChatMemberUpdatesFlow: Flow<MyChatMemberUpdatedUpdate>
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abstract val pollAnswersFlow: Flow<PollAnswerUpdate>
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abstract val pollsFlow: Flow<PollUpdate>
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abstract val preCheckoutQueriesFlow: Flow<PreCheckoutQueryUpdate>
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open val scope: CoroutineScope

Will be used for creating of some subscriptions inside of methods, updates listening and different other things in context of working with CoroutineScope and coroutines.

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abstract val shippingQueriesFlow: Flow<ShippingQueryUpdate>
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abstract val unknownUpdatesFlow: Flow<UnknownUpdate>


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inline fun <I : O, O : State> BehaviourContextWithFSM<O>.onStateOrSubstate(handler: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>)

Add NON STRICT handler to list of available in future BehaviourContextWithFSM. Non strict means that for input State will be used KClass.isInstance and any inheritor of kClass will pass this requirement

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inline fun <I : O, O : State> BehaviourContextWithFSM<O>.strictlyOn(handler: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>)

Add STRICT handler to list of available in future BehaviourContextWithFSM. Strict means that for input State will be used State::class == kClass and any State with exactly the same type will pass requirements