Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder.utils


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typealias SimpleFilter<T> = suspend (T) -> Boolean


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suspend fun BehaviourContext.followLocation(message: ContentMessage<LiveLocationContent>, onLocation: BehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<Unit, Location>)

Use this extension when you want to follow LiveLocation until it will became StaticLocation. This method is synchronous. You may use something like kotlinx.coroutines.launch or kotlinx.coroutines.async to run it asynchronously

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fun <T> SimpleFilter<T>.listAll(): suspend (Iterable<T>) -> Boolean
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fun <T> SimpleFilter<T>.listAny(): suspend (Iterable<T>) -> Boolean
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fun <T> SimpleFilter<T>.listNone(): suspend (Iterable<T>) -> Boolean
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operator fun <T> SimpleFilter<T>.not(): SimpleFilter<T>
operator fun <T> BehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<Boolean, T, Update>.not(): suspend BehaviourContext.(T, Update) -> Boolean

Reverse results of this

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operator fun <T> SimpleFilter<T>.plus(other: SimpleFilter<T>): SimpleFilter<T>

Makes an OR (||) operation between this and other

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inline fun <T> SimpleFilter(noinline block: SimpleFilter<T>): suspend (T) -> Boolean
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operator fun <T> SimpleFilter<T>.times(other: SimpleFilter<T>): SimpleFilter<T>

Makes an AND (&&) operation between this and other