Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api


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data class BotBuilder
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class LiveLocationProvider : Closeable


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fun buildBot(    token: String,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     testServer: Boolean = false,     block: BotBuilder.() -> Unit): RequestsExecutor
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inline suspend fun TelegramBot.close(): Boolean
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suspend fun TelegramBot.delete(message: Message): Boolean
suspend fun Message.delete(requestsExecutor: TelegramBot): Boolean
suspend fun TelegramBot.delete(chatId: ChatIdentifier, messageId: MessageIdentifier): Boolean
suspend fun TelegramBot.delete(chat: Chat, messageId: MessageIdentifier): Boolean
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suspend fun TelegramBot.deleteMessage(message: Message): Boolean
suspend fun TelegramBot.deleteMessage(chatId: ChatIdentifier, messageId: MessageIdentifier): Boolean
suspend fun TelegramBot.deleteMessage(chat: Chat, messageId: MessageIdentifier): Boolean
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suspend fun TelegramBot.forwardMessage(    toChatId: ChatIdentifier,     message: Message,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false): PossiblyForwardedMessage
suspend fun TelegramBot.forwardMessage(    toChat: Chat,     message: Message,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false): PossiblyForwardedMessage
suspend fun TelegramBot.forwardMessage(    fromChatId: ChatIdentifier,     toChatId: ChatIdentifier,     messageId: MessageIdentifier,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false): PossiblyForwardedMessage
suspend fun TelegramBot.forwardMessage(    fromChatId: ChatIdentifier,     toChat: Chat,     messageId: MessageIdentifier,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false): PossiblyForwardedMessage
suspend fun TelegramBot.forwardMessage(    fromChat: Chat,     toChatId: ChatIdentifier,     messageId: MessageIdentifier,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false): PossiblyForwardedMessage
suspend fun TelegramBot.forwardMessage(    fromChat: Chat,     toChat: Chat,     messageId: MessageIdentifier,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false): PossiblyForwardedMessage
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suspend fun TelegramBot.getUpdates(    lastUpdate: Update,     limit: Int = getUpdatesLimit.last,     timeout: Seconds? = null,     allowed_updates: List<String>? = ALL_UPDATES_LIST): List<Update>
suspend fun TelegramBot.getUpdates(    offset: UpdateIdentifier? = null,     limit: Int = getUpdatesLimit.last,     timeout: Seconds? = null,     allowed_updates: List<String>? = ALL_UPDATES_LIST): List<Update>
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inline suspend fun TelegramBot.logOut(): Boolean
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inline suspend fun TelegramBot.replyWithLiveLocation(    to: Message,     scope: CoroutineScope,     location: StaticLocation,     liveTimeMillis: Long = defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis,     initHorizontalAccuracy: Meters? = null,     initHeading: Degrees? = null,     initProximityAlertRadius: Meters? = null,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false,     allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null,     replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): LiveLocationProvider
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.replyWithLiveLocation(    to: Message,     scope: CoroutineScope,     latitude: Double,     longitude: Double,     liveTimeMillis: Long = defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis,     initHorizontalAccuracy: Meters? = null,     initHeading: Degrees? = null,     initProximityAlertRadius: Meters? = null,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false,     allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null,     replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): LiveLocationProvider
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suspend fun TelegramBot.startLiveLocation(    scope: CoroutineScope,     chatId: ChatId,     location: StaticLocation,     liveTimeMillis: Long = defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis,     initHorizontalAccuracy: Meters? = null,     initHeading: Degrees? = null,     initProximityAlertRadius: Meters? = null,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false,     replyToMessageId: MessageIdentifier? = null,     allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null,     replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): LiveLocationProvider
suspend fun TelegramBot.startLiveLocation(    scope: CoroutineScope,     chat: Chat,     location: StaticLocation,     liveTimeMillis: Long = defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis,     initHorizontalAccuracy: Meters? = null,     initHeading: Degrees? = null,     initProximityAlertRadius: Meters? = null,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false,     replyToMessageId: MessageIdentifier? = null,     allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null,     replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): LiveLocationProvider
suspend fun TelegramBot.startLiveLocation(    scope: CoroutineScope,     chatId: ChatIdentifier,     latitude: Double,     longitude: Double,     liveTimeMillis: Long = defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis,     initHorizontalAccuracy: Meters? = null,     initHeading: Degrees? = null,     initProximityAlertRadius: Meters? = null,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false,     replyToMessageId: MessageIdentifier? = null,     allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null,     replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): LiveLocationProvider
suspend fun TelegramBot.startLiveLocation(    scope: CoroutineScope,     chat: Chat,     latitude: Double,     longitude: Double,     liveTimeMillis: Long = defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis,     initHorizontalAccuracy: Meters? = null,     initHeading: Degrees? = null,     initProximityAlertRadius: Meters? = null,     disableNotification: Boolean = false,     protectContent: Boolean = false,     replyToMessageId: MessageIdentifier? = null,     allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null,     replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): LiveLocationProvider
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suspend fun TelegramBot.stopPoll(    chatId: ChatId,     message: Message,     replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null): Poll
suspend fun TelegramBot.stopPoll(    chatId: ChatIdentifier,     messageId: MessageIdentifier,     replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null): Poll
suspend fun TelegramBot.stopPoll(    chat: Chat,     message: Message,     replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null): Poll
suspend fun TelegramBot.stopPoll(    chat: Chat,     messageId: MessageIdentifier,     replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null): Poll
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fun telegramBot(urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, client: HttpClient = HttpClient()): TelegramBot

Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and already prepared client

inline fun telegramBot(urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper, noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): RequestsExecutor

Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and specify HttpClientEngine by configuring HttpClient using clientConfig

inline fun telegramBot(    urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper,     clientEngine: HttpClientEngine,     noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {}): RequestsExecutor

Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and specify HttpClientEngine by passing clientEngine param and optionally configure HttpClient using clientConfig

inline fun <T : HttpClientEngineConfig> telegramBot(    urlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper,     clientFactory: HttpClientEngineFactory<T>,     noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<T>.() -> Unit = {}): RequestsExecutor

Allows to create bot using bot urlsKeeper and specify HttpClientEngineFactory by passing clientFactory param and optionally configure it with clientConfig

inline fun telegramBot(    token: String,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     testServer: Boolean = false,     client: HttpClient = HttpClient()): TelegramBot

Allows to create bot using bot token, apiUrl (for custom api servers) and already prepared client

inline fun telegramBot(    token: String,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     testServer: Boolean = false,     noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): RequestsExecutor

Allows to create bot using bot token and apiUrl and specify HttpClientEngine by configuring HttpClient using clientConfig

inline fun telegramBot(    token: String,     clientEngine: HttpClientEngine,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     testServer: Boolean = false,     noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {}): RequestsExecutor

Allows to create bot using bot token and specify HttpClientEngine by passing clientEngine param and optionally configure HttpClient using clientConfig

inline fun <T : HttpClientEngineConfig> telegramBot(    token: String,     clientFactory: HttpClientEngineFactory<T>,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     testServer: Boolean = false,     noinline clientConfig: HttpClientConfig<T>.() -> Unit = {}): RequestsExecutor


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val defaultLivePeriodDelayMillis: Long