
data class GetUpdates(offset: UpdateIdentifier?, limit: Int, timeout: Seconds?, allowed_updates: List<String>?) : SimpleRequest<List<Update>>

Request updates from Telegram Bot API system. It is important, that the result updates WILL NOT include dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.update.MediaGroupUpdates.MediaGroupUpdate objects due to the fact, that it is internal abstraction and in fact any dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.abstracts.MediaGroupMessage is just a common dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.abstracts.Message

See also


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fun GetUpdates(offset: UpdateIdentifier? = null, limit: Int = getUpdatesLimit.last, timeout: Seconds? = null, allowed_updates: List<String>? = ALL_UPDATES_LIST)


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open override fun method(): String


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val allowed_updates: List<String>?
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val limit: Int
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val offset: UpdateIdentifier? = null
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open override val requestSerializer: SerializationStrategy<*>
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open override val resultDeserializer: DeserializationStrategy<List<Update>>
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val timeout: Seconds? = null