
class ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder : RowBuilder<KeyboardButton>

Row builder of KeyboardButton

See also


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fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder()


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fun add(t: KeyboardButton): Boolean
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operator fun KeyboardButton.unaryPlus(): Boolean


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val row: List<KeyboardButton>


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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.requestContactButton(text: String): Boolean
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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.requestLocationButton(text: String): Boolean
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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.requestPollButton(text: String, pollType: KeyboardButtonPollType): Boolean
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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.simpleButton(text: String): Boolean

Creates and put SimpleKeyboardButton

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inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.webAppButton(text: String, webApp: WebAppInfo): Boolean
inline fun ReplyKeyboardRowBuilder.webAppButton(text: String, url: String): Boolean

Creates and put WebAppKeyboardButton