
suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chatId: ChatIdentifier, fileId: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chat: Chat, fileId: InputFile, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? =, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? =, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chatId: ChatIdentifier, photo: Photo, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chat: Chat, photo: Photo, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? =, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? =, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chatId: ChatIdentifier, photoSize: PhotoSize, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chat: Chat, photoSize: PhotoSize, text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? =, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? =, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chatId: ChatIdentifier, fileId: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chat: Chat, fileId: InputFile, entities: TextSourcesList, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? =, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? =, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chatId: ChatIdentifier, photo: Photo, entities: TextSourcesList, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chat: Chat, photo: Photo, entities: TextSourcesList, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? =, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? =, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chatId: ChatIdentifier, photoSize: PhotoSize, entities: TextSourcesList, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>
inline suspend fun TelegramBot.sendPhoto(chat: Chat, photoSize: PhotoSize, entities: TextSourcesList, showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean = false, spoilered: Boolean = false, threadId: MessageThreadId? =, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? =, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): ContentMessage<PhotoContent>



Some of KeyboardMarkup. See dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.types.buttons.replyKeyboard or dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.types.buttons.inlineKeyboard as a builders for that param