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interface AbleToAddInAttachmentMenuChat : Chat
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sealed class Bot : User
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interface ChannelChat : SuperPublicChat
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data class ChannelChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val title: String,     val username: Username? = null) : ChannelChat
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interface Chat
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data class ChatJoinRequest(    val chat: PublicChat,     val from: User,     val date: TelegramDate,     val inviteLink: ChatInviteLink? = null,     val bio: String? = null) : FromUser

Represent a ChatJoinRequest

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data class ChatPermissions(    val canSendMessages: Boolean = false,     val canSendMediaMessages: Boolean = false,     val canSendPolls: Boolean = false,     val canSendOtherMessages: Boolean = false,     val canAddWebPagePreviews: Boolean = false,     val canChangeInfo: Boolean = false,     val canInviteUsers: Boolean = false,     val canPinMessages: Boolean = false)
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sealed class ChatType
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object ChatTypeSerializer : KSerializer<ChatType>
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data class CommonBot(    val id: UserId,     val username: Username,     val firstName: String,     val lastName: String = "") : Bot
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data class CommonUser(    val id: UserId,     val firstName: String,     val lastName: String = "",     val username: Username? = null,     val ietfLanguageCode: IetfLanguageCode? = null,     val isPremium: Boolean = false,     val addedToAttachmentMenu: Boolean = false) : User, WithOptionalLanguageCode, PossiblyPremiumChat, AbleToAddInAttachmentMenuChat
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data class ExtendedBot(    val id: UserId,     val username: Username,     val firstName: String,     val lastName: String = "",     val canJoinGroups: Boolean = false,     val canReadAllGroupMessages: Boolean = false,     val supportsInlineQueries: Boolean = false) : Bot
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interface ExtendedChannelChat : ChannelChat, ExtendedPublicChat
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data class ExtendedChannelChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val title: String,     val username: Username? = null,     val chatPhoto: ChatPhoto? = null,     val description: String = "",     val inviteLink: String? = null,     val pinnedMessage: Message? = null,     val linkedGroupChatId: ChatId? = null) : ExtendedChannelChat
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interface ExtendedChat : Chat
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object ExtendedChatSerializer : KSerializer<ExtendedChat>
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interface ExtendedGroupChat : GroupChat, ExtendedPublicChat
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data class ExtendedGroupChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val title: String,     val chatPhoto: ChatPhoto? = null,     val permissions: ChatPermissions,     val description: String = "",     val inviteLink: String? = null,     val pinnedMessage: Message? = null) : ExtendedGroupChat
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interface ExtendedPrivateChat : PrivateChat, ExtendedChat
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data class ExtendedPrivateChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val chatPhoto: ChatPhoto? = null,     val username: Username? = null,     val firstName: String = "",     val lastName: String = "",     val bio: String = "",     val hasPrivateForwards: Boolean = false) : ExtendedPrivateChat
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interface ExtendedPublicChat : ExtendedChat, PublicChat
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interface ExtendedSupergroupChat : SupergroupChat, ExtendedGroupChat
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data class ExtendedSupergroupChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val title: String,     val username: Username? = null,     val chatPhoto: ChatPhoto? = null,     val permissions: ChatPermissions,     val description: String = "",     val inviteLink: String? = null,     val pinnedMessage: Message? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val slowModeDelay: Long? = null,     val canSetStickerSet: Boolean = false,     val linkedChannelChatId: ChatId? = null,     val location: ChatLocation? = null,     val requiresJoinForMessaging: Boolean = false,     val requireAdminApproveToJoin: Boolean = false) : ExtendedSupergroupChat
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typealias ExtendedUser = ExtendedPrivateChatImpl
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interface GroupChat : PublicChat
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data class GroupChatImpl(val id: ChatId, val title: String) : GroupChat
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interface PossiblyPremiumChat : Chat
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object PreviewChatSerializer : KSerializer<Chat>
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interface PrivateChat : Chat, UsernameChat
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data class PrivateChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val username: Username? = null,     val firstName: String = "",     val lastName: String = "") : PrivateChat
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interface PublicChat : Chat
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interface SupergroupChat : GroupChat, SuperPublicChat
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data class SupergroupChatImpl(    val id: ChatId,     val title: String,     val username: Username? = null) : SupergroupChat
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interface SuperPublicChat : PublicChat, UsernameChat
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data class UnknownChatType(    val id: ChatId,     val raw: String,     val rawJson: JsonObject) : Chat
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data class UnknownExtendedChat(    val id: ChatId,     val raw: String,     val rawJson: JsonObject) : ExtendedChat
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sealed class User : PrivateChat
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interface UsernameChat : Chat
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object UserSerializer : KSerializer<User>


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val String.asChatType: ChatType
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val LeftRestrictionsChatPermissions: ChatPermissions
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val RestrictionsChatPermissions: ChatPermissions