
@Serializable(with = ExtendedChatSerializer::class)
interface ExtendedChat : Chat


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abstract val chatPhoto: ChatPhoto?
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abstract val id: IdChatIdentifier


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inline fun Chat.asBot(): Bot?
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inline fun Chat.asCommonBot(): CommonBot?
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inline fun Chat.asGroupChat(): GroupChat?
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inline fun Chat.asUser(): User?
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inline fun Chat.botOrNull(): Bot?
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inline fun Chat.botOrThrow(): Bot
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Link which can be used as by any user to get access to Chat. Returns null in case when there are no known way to build link

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inline fun <T> Chat.ifBot(block: (Bot) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifChannelChat(block: (ChannelChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifChannelChatImpl(block: (ChannelChatImpl) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifCommonBot(block: (CommonBot) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifCommonUser(block: (CommonUser) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedBot(block: (ExtendedBot) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedChannelChat(block: (ExtendedChannelChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedChat(block: (ExtendedChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedForumChat(block: (ExtendedForumChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedGroupChat(block: (ExtendedGroupChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedPrivateChat(block: (ExtendedPrivateChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifExtendedPublicChat(block: (ExtendedPublicChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifForumChat(block: (ForumChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifForumChatImpl(block: (ForumChatImpl) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifGroupChat(block: (GroupChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifGroupChatImpl(block: (GroupChatImpl) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifPossiblyPremiumChat(block: (PossiblyPremiumChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifPrivateChat(block: (PrivateChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifPrivateChatImpl(block: (PrivateChatImpl) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifPublicChat(block: (PublicChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifSupergroupChat(block: (SupergroupChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifSupergroupChatImpl(block: (SupergroupChatImpl) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifSuperPublicChat(block: (SuperPublicChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifUnknownChatType(block: (UnknownChatType) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifUnknownExtendedChat(block: (UnknownExtendedChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifUser(block: (User) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.ifUsernameChat(block: (UsernameChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun Chat.requireBot(): Bot
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inline fun Chat.requireUser(): User
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inline fun Chat.userOrNull(): User?
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inline fun Chat.userOrThrow(): User
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenBot(block: (Bot) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenChannelChat(block: (ChannelChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenCommonBot(block: (CommonBot) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenCommonUser(block: (CommonUser) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenExtendedBot(block: (ExtendedBot) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenExtendedChannelChat(block: (ExtendedChannelChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenExtendedChat(block: (ExtendedChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenExtendedGroupChat(block: (ExtendedGroupChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenExtendedPrivateChat(block: (ExtendedPrivateChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenExtendedPublicChat(block: (ExtendedPublicChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenGroupChat(block: (GroupChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenPossiblyPremiumChat(block: (PossiblyPremiumChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenPrivateChat(block: (PrivateChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenPublicChat(block: (PublicChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenSupergroupChat(block: (SupergroupChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenSuperPublicChat(block: (SuperPublicChat) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenUnknownChatType(block: (UnknownChatType) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenUser(block: (User) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> Chat.whenUsernameChat(block: (UsernameChat) -> T): T?