Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.polls


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data class ApproximateScheduledCloseInfo(openDuration: TimeSpan, startPoint: DateTime) : ScheduledCloseInfo
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data class ExactScheduledCloseInfo(closeDateTime: DateTime) : ScheduledCloseInfo
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interface MultipleAnswersPoll : Poll
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interface Poll
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data class PollAnswer(pollId: PollIdentifier, user: User, chosen: List<Int>) : FromUser
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sealed class PollOption
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object PollOptionSerializer : KSerializer<PollOption>
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object PollSerializer : KSerializer<Poll>
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data class QuizPoll(id: PollIdentifier, question: String, options: List<PollOption>, votesCount: Int, correctOptionId: Int?, text: String?, textSources: List<TextSource>, isClosed: Boolean, isAnonymous: Boolean, scheduledCloseInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo?) : Poll, TextedInput
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data class RegularPoll(id: PollIdentifier, question: String, options: List<PollOption>, votesCount: Int, isClosed: Boolean, isAnonymous: Boolean, allowMultipleAnswers: Boolean, scheduledCloseInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo?) : MultipleAnswersPoll
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interface ScheduledCloseInfo
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data class SimplePollOption(text: String, votes: Int) : PollOption
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data class UnknownPollType : Poll


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fun LongSeconds.asApproximateScheduledCloseInfo(startPoint: DateTime): ApproximateScheduledCloseInfo


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