Send Invoice
data class SendInvoice( val chatId: ChatId, val title: String, val description: String, val payload: String, val providerToken: String, val currency: Currency, val prices: List<LabeledPrice>, val maxTipAmount: Int? = null, val suggestedTipAmounts: List<Int>? = null, val startParameter: StartParameter? = null, val providerData: String? = null, val requireName: Boolean = false, val requirePhoneNumber: Boolean = false, val requireEmail: Boolean = false, val requireShippingAddress: Boolean = false, val shouldSendPhoneNumberToProvider: Boolean = false, val shouldSendEmailToProvider: Boolean = false, val priceDependOnShipAddress: Boolean = false, val disableNotification: Boolean = false, val protectContent: Boolean = false, val replyToMessageId: MessageIdentifier? = null, val allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null) : CommonSendInvoiceData, ChatRequest, DisableNotification, ReplyMessageId, WithReplyMarkup, SendMessageRequest<ContentMessage<InvoiceContent>>
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fun SendInvoice( chatId: ChatId, title: String, description: String, payload: String, providerToken: String, currency: Currency, prices: List<LabeledPrice>, maxTipAmount: Int? = null, suggestedTipAmounts: List<Int>? = null, startParameter: StartParameter? = null, providerData: String? = null, requireName: Boolean = false, requirePhoneNumber: Boolean = false, requireEmail: Boolean = false, requireShippingAddress: Boolean = false, shouldSendPhoneNumberToProvider: Boolean = false, shouldSendEmailToProvider: Boolean = false, priceDependOnShipAddress: Boolean = false, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyToMessageId: MessageIdentifier? = null, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null)
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open override val resultDeserializer: DeserializationStrategy<ContentMessage<InvoiceContent>>
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