Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.webapps


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enum ColorScheme : Enum<ColorScheme>
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typealias EventHandler = WebApp.() -> Unit
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sealed class EventType
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external class MainButton
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data class MainButtonParams(text: String?, color: String?, textColor: String?, isActive: Boolean?, isVisible: Boolean?)
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external interface Telegram
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external interface ThemeParams
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external interface ViewportChangedData
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typealias ViewportChangedEventHandler = WebApp.(ViewportChangedData) -> Unit
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external class WebApp
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external interface WebAppInitData
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external interface WebAppUser


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fun WebAppUser.asUser(): User
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fun CryptoJs.hex(text: String): String
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fun CryptoJs.HmacSHA256(text: String, key: String): String
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fun WebApp.isInitDataSafe(botToken: String): Boolean
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fun MainButton.onClick(eventHandler: EventHandler): MainButton
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fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType, eventHandler: EventHandler): () -> Unit
fun WebApp.onEvent(type: EventType.ViewportChanged, eventHandler: ViewportChangedEventHandler): (ViewportChangedData) -> Unit
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fun WebApp.onMainButtonClicked(eventHandler: EventHandler): () -> Unit
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fun WebApp.onThemeChanged(eventHandler: EventHandler): () -> Unit
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fun WebApp.onViewportChanged(eventHandler: ViewportChangedEventHandler): (ViewportChangedData) -> Unit
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fun MainButton.setParams(params: MainButtonParams): MainButton


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val WebApp.colorScheme: ColorScheme
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val Window.Telegram: Telegram
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val telegram: Telegram
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val webApp: WebApp