Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.webapps.popup


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typealias ClosePopupCallback = (id: String) -> Unit
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external interface PopupButton
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value class PopupButtonType(val typeName: String)
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external interface PopupParams


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fun CancelPopupButton(id: String): PopupButton
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fun ClosePopupButton(id: String): PopupButton
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fun DefaultPopupButton(id: String, text: String): PopupButton
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fun DestructivePopupButton(id: String, text: String): PopupButton
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fun OkPopupButton(id: String): PopupButton
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fun PopupButton(    id: String,     type: PopupButtonType,     text: String? = null): PopupButton
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fun PopupParams(    message: String,     firstButton: PopupButton,     vararg otherButtons: PopupButton): PopupParams
fun PopupParams(    message: String,     title: String?,     buttons: Array<PopupButton>): PopupParams
fun PopupParams(    title: String,     message: String,     firstButton: PopupButton,     vararg otherButtons: PopupButton): PopupParams