
data class ShippingQuery(    val id: ShippingQueryIdentifier,     val from: User,     val invoicePayload: InvoicePayload,     val shippingAddress: ShippingAddress) : FromUser


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fun ShippingQuery(    id: ShippingQueryIdentifier,     from: User,     invoicePayload: InvoicePayload,     shippingAddress: ShippingAddress)


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open override val from: User

The source User of this type

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val id: ShippingQueryIdentifier
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val invoicePayload: InvoicePayload
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val shippingAddress: ShippingAddress
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open override val user: User


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fun ShippingQuery.createAnswerError(error: String): AnswerShippingQueryError
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fun ShippingQuery.createAnswerOk(shippingOptions: List<ShippingOption>): AnswerShippingQueryOk
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val ShippingQuery.invoice_payload: InvoicePayload
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val ShippingQuery.shipping_address: ShippingAddress