
data class CreateChatInviteLinkWithJoinRequest(    val chatId: ChatIdentifier,     val name: String? = null,     val expirationUnixTimeStamp: TelegramDate? = null) : CreateChatInviteLink<ChatInviteLinkWithJoinRequest> , WithJoinRequestChatInviteLinkRequest

Represent [] request WITHOUT member_limit and WITH creates_join_request

See also


Link copied to clipboard
fun CreateChatInviteLinkWithJoinRequest(    chatId: ChatIdentifier,     name: String? = null,     expirationUnixTimeStamp: TelegramDate? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
open override fun method(): String


Link copied to clipboard
open override val chatId: ChatIdentifier
Link copied to clipboard
open override val expirationUnixTimeStamp: TelegramDate? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val expireDate: DateTime?
Link copied to clipboard
open override val name: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val requestSerializer: SerializationStrategy<*>
Link copied to clipboard
abstract val resultDeserializer: DeserializationStrategy<ChatInviteLinkWithJoinRequest>