
class BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<I : O, O : State>(inputKlass: KClass<I>, strict: Boolean = false, delegateTo: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>) : CheckableHandlerHolder<O, O> , BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<O, O>

Special holder for BehaviourContextWithFSM. This holder helps BehaviourContextWithFSM to understand whether it can handle input State with delegateTo or not



This KClass will be used to compare input State type and declare ability of delegateTo to handle incoming State. See checkHandleable for more info


This flag will be used in checkHandleable to choose strategy of checking incoming State


This handler will be called in case checkHandleable returns true with class caster incoming State in handleState


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fun <I : O, O : State> BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder(inputKlass: KClass<I>, strict: Boolean = false, delegateTo: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>)


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open suspend override fun checkHandleable(state: O): Boolean

Check ability of delegateTo to handle this state

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open suspend override fun StatesMachine<in O>.handleState(state: O): O?

open suspend override fun BehaviourContextWithFSM<in O>.handleState(state: O): O?

Handling of state :)