
class EntitiesBuilder(val separator: TextSource? = null)

This builder can be used to provide building of TextSources List

See also


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constructor(separator: TextSource? = null)


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It is not safe field which contains potentially changeable List

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val separator: TextSource? = null


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Version of EntitiesBuilder.bold with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.bold with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.botCommand with new line at the end

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.cashTag with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.cashTag with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.code with new line at the end

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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.customEmojiln(customEmojiId: CustomEmojiId, vararg parts: TextSource): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.customEmoji with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.customEmoji with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.emailln(emailAddress: String): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.email with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.email with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.hashtag with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.hashtag with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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operator fun invoke(vararg source: TextSource): EntitiesBuilder
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Version of EntitiesBuilder.italic with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.italic with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.link with new line at the end

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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.mentionln(whoToMention: String): EntitiesBuilder
inline fun EntitiesBuilder.mentionln(user: User, vararg parts: TextSource): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.mention with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.mention with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.phone with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.phone with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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operator fun plus(source: TextSource): EntitiesBuilder
operator fun plus(other: EntitiesBuilder): EntitiesBuilder
operator fun plus(text: String): EntitiesBuilder
operator fun plus(sources: Iterable<TextSource>): EntitiesBuilder
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inline fun EntitiesBuilder.preln(code: String, language: String?): EntitiesBuilder

Version of EntitiesBuilder.pre with new line at the end

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.spoiler with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.spoiler with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.strikethrough with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.strikethrough with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities

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Version of EntitiesBuilder.underline with new line at the end

Version of EntitiesBuilder.underline with new line at the end. Will reuse separator config from buildEntities