Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.files


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interface AnimatedSticker : Sticker
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data class AnimationFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val duration: Long? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val fileName: String? = null,     val mimeType: MimeType? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile, MimedMediaFile, ThumbedMediaFile, PlayableMediaFile, CustomNamedMediaFile, SizedMediaFile
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data class AudioFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val duration: Long? = null,     val performer: String? = null,     val title: String? = null,     val fileName: String? = null,     val mimeType: MimeType? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null) : TelegramMediaFile, CustomNamedMediaFile, MimedMediaFile, ThumbedMediaFile, PlayableMediaFile, TitledMediaFile, Performerable
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data class CustomEmojiAnimatedSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val customEmojiId: CustomEmojiId,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : CustomEmojiSticker, AnimatedSticker
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data class CustomEmojiSimpleSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val customEmojiId: CustomEmojiId,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : CustomEmojiSticker
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interface CustomEmojiSticker : Sticker
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data class CustomEmojiVideoSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val customEmojiId: CustomEmojiId,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : CustomEmojiSticker, VideoSticker
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interface CustomNamedMediaFile
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data class DocumentFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val fileSize: Long? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val mimeType: MimeType? = null,     val fileName: String? = null) : TelegramMediaFile, MimedMediaFile, ThumbedMediaFile, CustomNamedMediaFile
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data class File(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile
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data class MaskAnimatedSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val maskPosition: MaskPosition,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : MaskSticker, AnimatedSticker
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data class MaskSimpleSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val maskPosition: MaskPosition,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : MaskSticker
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interface MaskSticker : Sticker
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data class MaskVideoSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val maskPosition: MaskPosition,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : MaskSticker, VideoSticker
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interface MimedMediaFile : TelegramMediaFile, MimeTyped
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data class PassportFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val uploadingDate: TelegramDate,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile

This object represents a file uploaded to Telegram Passport. Currently all Telegram Passport files are in JPEG format when decrypted and don't exceed 10MB.

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data class PathedFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val filePath: String,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile
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typealias Photo = List<PhotoSize>
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object PhotoSerializer : KSerializer<Photo>
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data class PhotoSize(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val fileSize: Long? = null,     val width: Int,     val height: Int) : SizedMediaFile
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interface PlayableMediaFile : TelegramMediaFile
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data class RegularAnimatedSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val premiumAnimationFile: File?,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : RegularSticker, AnimatedSticker
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data class RegularSimpleSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val premiumAnimationFile: File?,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : RegularSticker
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interface RegularSticker : Sticker
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data class RegularVideoSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val premiumAnimationFile: File?,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : RegularSticker, VideoSticker
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interface SizedMediaFile : TelegramMediaFile
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interface Sticker : TelegramMediaFile, SizedMediaFile, ThumbedMediaFile
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object StickerSerializer : KSerializer<Sticker>
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data class StickerSurrogate(    val file_id: FileId,     val file_unique_id: FileUniqueId,     val type: StickerType,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val is_animated: Boolean? = null,     val is_video: Boolean? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val set_name: StickerSetName? = null,     val premium_animation: File? = null,     val mask_position: MaskPosition? = null,     val custom_emoji_id: CustomEmojiId? = null,     val file_size: Long? = null)
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interface TelegramMediaFile

Declare common part of media files in Telegram. Note: it is not representation of JVM File type

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interface ThumbedMediaFile : TelegramMediaFile
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interface TitledMediaFile
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data class UnknownSticker(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val stickerSetName: StickerSetName? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null,     val raw: JsonElement) : Sticker
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data class VideoFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val duration: Long? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val fileName: String? = null,     val mimeType: MimeType? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile, CustomNamedMediaFile, MimedMediaFile, ThumbedMediaFile, PlayableMediaFile, SizedMediaFile
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data class VideoNoteFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val duration: Long? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile, ThumbedMediaFile, PlayableMediaFile, SizedMediaFile
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interface VideoSticker : Sticker
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data class VoiceFile(    val fileId: FileId,     val fileUniqueId: FileUniqueId,     val duration: Long? = null,     val mimeType: MimeType? = null,     val fileSize: Long? = null) : TelegramMediaFile, MimedMediaFile, PlayableMediaFile


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fun VoiceFile.asAudioFile(    performer: String? = null,     title: String? = null,     fileName: String? = null): AudioFile
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inline fun TelegramMediaFile.asDocumentFile(): DocumentFile
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fun PathedFile.asStream(telegramAPIUrlsKeeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper): InputStream
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fun AudioFile.asVoiceFile(): VoiceFile
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fun Photo.biggest(): PhotoSize?
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fun PathedFile.fullUrl(keeper: TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper): String
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fun TelegramAPIUrlsKeeper.resolveFileURL(file: PathedFile): String
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inline fun VideoFile.toTelegramMediaVideo(textSources: TextSourcesList): TelegramMediaVideo
inline fun VideoFile.toTelegramMediaVideo(text: String? = null, parseMode: ParseMode? = null): TelegramMediaVideo