
data class InlineQueryResultVenue(val id: InlineQueryIdentifier, val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double, val title: String, val address: String, val foursquareId: FoursquareId? = null, val foursquareType: FoursquareType? = null, val googlePlaceId: GooglePlaceId? = null, val googlePlaceType: GooglePlaceType? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult, Locationed, CommonVenueData, TitledInlineQueryResult, WithInputMessageContentInlineQueryResult, ThumbedInlineQueryResult, ThumbSizedInlineQueryResult


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constructor(id: InlineQueryIdentifier, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, title: String, address: String, foursquareId: FoursquareId? = null, foursquareType: FoursquareType? = null, googlePlaceId: GooglePlaceId? = null, googlePlaceType: GooglePlaceType? = null, thumbnailUrl: String? = null, thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, thumbnailHeight: Int? = null, replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null)


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@SerialName(value = "address")
open override val address: String
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@SerialName(value = "foursquare_id")
open override val foursquareId: FoursquareId? = null
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@SerialName(value = "foursquare_type")
open override val foursquareType: FoursquareType? = null
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@SerialName(value = "google_place_id")
open override val googlePlaceId: GooglePlaceId? = null
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@SerialName(value = "google_place_type")
open override val googlePlaceType: GooglePlaceType? = null
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@SerialName(value = "id")
open override val id: InlineQueryIdentifier
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@SerialName(value = "input_message_content")
open override val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null
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@SerialName(value = "latitude")
open override val latitude: Double
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@SerialName(value = "longitude")
open override val longitude: Double
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@SerialName(value = "reply_markup")
open override val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null
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@SerialName(value = "thumbnail_height")
open override val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null
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@SerialName(value = "thumbnail_url")
open override val thumbnailUrl: String? = null
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@SerialName(value = "thumbnail_width")
open override val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null
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@SerialName(value = "title")
open override val title: String
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open override val type: String