
interface ChatEvent


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inline fun ChatEvent.asChannelChatCreated(): ChannelChatCreated?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asChannelEvent(): ChannelEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asCommonEvent(): CommonEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asDeleteChatPhoto(): DeleteChatPhoto?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asGroupChatCreated(): GroupChatCreated?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asGroupEvent(): GroupEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asLeftChatMember(): LeftChatMember?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asMigratedToSupergroup(): MigratedToSupergroup?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asNewChatMembers(): NewChatMembers?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asNewChatPhoto(): NewChatPhoto?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asNewChatTitle(): NewChatTitle?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asPinnedMessage(): PinnedMessage?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asProximityAlertTriggered(): ProximityAlertTriggered?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asPublicChatEvent(): PublicChatEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asSuccessfulPaymentEvent(): SuccessfulPaymentEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asSupergroupChatCreated(): SupergroupChatCreated?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asSupergroupEvent(): SupergroupEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asUserLoggedIn(): UserLoggedIn?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asVideoChatEnded(): VideoChatEnded?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asVideoChatEvent(): VideoChatEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asVideoChatScheduled(): VideoChatScheduled?
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inline fun ChatEvent.asVideoChatStarted(): VideoChatStarted?
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inline fun ChatEvent.channelChatCreatedOrNull(): ChannelChatCreated?
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inline fun ChatEvent.channelChatCreatedOrThrow(): ChannelChatCreated
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inline fun ChatEvent.channelEventOrNull(): ChannelEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.channelEventOrThrow(): ChannelEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.commonEventOrNull(): CommonEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.commonEventOrThrow(): CommonEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.deleteChatPhotoOrNull(): DeleteChatPhoto?
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inline fun ChatEvent.deleteChatPhotoOrThrow(): DeleteChatPhoto
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inline fun ChatEvent.groupChatCreatedOrNull(): GroupChatCreated?
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inline fun ChatEvent.groupChatCreatedOrThrow(): GroupChatCreated
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inline fun ChatEvent.groupEventOrNull(): GroupEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.groupEventOrThrow(): GroupEvent
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifChannelChatCreated(block: (ChannelChatCreated) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifChannelEvent(block: (ChannelEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifCommonEvent(block: (CommonEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifDeleteChatPhoto(block: (DeleteChatPhoto) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifGroupChatCreated(block: (GroupChatCreated) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifGroupEvent(block: (GroupEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifLeftChatMember(block: (LeftChatMember) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifMessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged(block: (MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifMigratedToSupergroup(block: (MigratedToSupergroup) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifNewChatMembers(block: (NewChatMembers) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifNewChatPhoto(block: (NewChatPhoto) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifNewChatTitle(block: (NewChatTitle) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifPinnedMessage(block: (PinnedMessage) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifProximityAlertTriggered(block: (ProximityAlertTriggered) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifPublicChatEvent(block: (PublicChatEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifSuccessfulPaymentEvent(block: (SuccessfulPaymentEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifSupergroupChatCreated(block: (SupergroupChatCreated) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifSupergroupEvent(block: (SupergroupEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifUserLoggedIn(block: (UserLoggedIn) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifVideoChatEnded(block: (VideoChatEnded) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifVideoChatEvent(block: (VideoChatEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifVideoChatParticipantsInvited(block: (VideoChatParticipantsInvited) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifVideoChatScheduled(block: (VideoChatScheduled) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.ifVideoChatStarted(block: (VideoChatStarted) -> T): T?
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inline fun ChatEvent.leftChatMemberOrNull(): LeftChatMember?
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inline fun ChatEvent.leftChatMemberOrThrow(): LeftChatMember
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inline fun ChatEvent.migratedToSupergroupOrNull(): MigratedToSupergroup?
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inline fun ChatEvent.migratedToSupergroupOrThrow(): MigratedToSupergroup
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inline fun ChatEvent.newChatMembersOrNull(): NewChatMembers?
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inline fun ChatEvent.newChatMembersOrThrow(): NewChatMembers
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inline fun ChatEvent.newChatPhotoOrNull(): NewChatPhoto?
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inline fun ChatEvent.newChatPhotoOrThrow(): NewChatPhoto
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inline fun ChatEvent.newChatTitleOrNull(): NewChatTitle?
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inline fun ChatEvent.newChatTitleOrThrow(): NewChatTitle
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inline fun ChatEvent.pinnedMessageOrNull(): PinnedMessage?
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inline fun ChatEvent.pinnedMessageOrThrow(): PinnedMessage
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inline fun ChatEvent.proximityAlertTriggeredOrNull(): ProximityAlertTriggered?
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inline fun ChatEvent.proximityAlertTriggeredOrThrow(): ProximityAlertTriggered
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inline fun ChatEvent.publicChatEventOrNull(): PublicChatEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.publicChatEventOrThrow(): PublicChatEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireChannelChatCreated(): ChannelChatCreated
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireChannelEvent(): ChannelEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireCommonEvent(): CommonEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireDeleteChatPhoto(): DeleteChatPhoto
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireGroupChatCreated(): GroupChatCreated
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireGroupEvent(): GroupEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireLeftChatMember(): LeftChatMember
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireMigratedToSupergroup(): MigratedToSupergroup
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireNewChatMembers(): NewChatMembers
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireNewChatPhoto(): NewChatPhoto
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireNewChatTitle(): NewChatTitle
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inline fun ChatEvent.requirePinnedMessage(): PinnedMessage
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireProximityAlertTriggered(): ProximityAlertTriggered
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inline fun ChatEvent.requirePublicChatEvent(): PublicChatEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireSuccessfulPaymentEvent(): SuccessfulPaymentEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireSupergroupChatCreated(): SupergroupChatCreated
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireSupergroupEvent(): SupergroupEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireUserLoggedIn(): UserLoggedIn
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireVideoChatEnded(): VideoChatEnded
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireVideoChatEvent(): VideoChatEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireVideoChatScheduled(): VideoChatScheduled
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inline fun ChatEvent.requireVideoChatStarted(): VideoChatStarted
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inline fun ChatEvent.successfulPaymentEventOrNull(): SuccessfulPaymentEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.successfulPaymentEventOrThrow(): SuccessfulPaymentEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.supergroupChatCreatedOrNull(): SupergroupChatCreated?
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inline fun ChatEvent.supergroupChatCreatedOrThrow(): SupergroupChatCreated
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inline fun ChatEvent.supergroupEventOrNull(): SupergroupEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.supergroupEventOrThrow(): SupergroupEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.userLoggedInOrNull(): UserLoggedIn?
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inline fun ChatEvent.userLoggedInOrThrow(): UserLoggedIn
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatEndedOrNull(): VideoChatEnded?
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatEndedOrThrow(): VideoChatEnded
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatEventOrNull(): VideoChatEvent?
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatEventOrThrow(): VideoChatEvent
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatScheduledOrNull(): VideoChatScheduled?
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatScheduledOrThrow(): VideoChatScheduled
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatStartedOrNull(): VideoChatStarted?
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inline fun ChatEvent.videoChatStartedOrThrow(): VideoChatStarted
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenChannelChatCreated(block: (ChannelChatCreated) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenChannelEvent(block: (ChannelEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenCommonEvent(block: (CommonEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenDeleteChatPhoto(block: (DeleteChatPhoto) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenGroupChatCreated(block: (GroupChatCreated) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenGroupEvent(block: (GroupEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenLeftChatMember(block: (LeftChatMember) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenMessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged(block: (MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenMigratedToSupergroup(block: (MigratedToSupergroup) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenNewChatMembers(block: (NewChatMembers) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenNewChatPhoto(block: (NewChatPhoto) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenNewChatTitle(block: (NewChatTitle) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenPinnedMessage(block: (PinnedMessage) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenProximityAlertTriggered(block: (ProximityAlertTriggered) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenPublicChatEvent(block: (PublicChatEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenSuccessfulPaymentEvent(block: (SuccessfulPaymentEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenSupergroupChatCreated(block: (SupergroupChatCreated) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenSupergroupEvent(block: (SupergroupEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenUserLoggedIn(block: (UserLoggedIn) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenVideoChatEnded(block: (VideoChatEnded) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenVideoChatEvent(block: (VideoChatEvent) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenVideoChatParticipantsInvited(block: (VideoChatParticipantsInvited) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenVideoChatScheduled(block: (VideoChatScheduled) -> T): T?
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inline fun <T> ChatEvent.whenVideoChatStarted(block: (VideoChatStarted) -> T): T?