
suspend fun TelegramBot.setWebhookInfo(    url: String,     ipAddress: String? = null,     maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null,     allowedUpdates: List<String>? = null,     dropPendingUpdates: Boolean? = null,     secretToken: String? = null): Boolean

Use this method to send information about webhook (like url)

suspend fun TelegramBot.setWebhookInfo(    url: String,     certificate: FileId,     ipAddress: String? = null,     maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null,     allowedUpdates: List<String>? = null,     dropPendingUpdates: Boolean? = null,     secretToken: String? = null): Boolean
suspend fun TelegramBot.setWebhookInfo(    url: String,     certificate: MultipartFile,     ipAddress: String? = null,     maxAllowedConnections: Int? = null,     allowedUpdates: List<String>? = null,     dropPendingUpdates: Boolean? = null,     secretToken: String? = null): Boolean

Use this method to send information about webhook (like url and certificate)