Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.actions


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interface BotAction

Use BotAction objects realisations to notify user about bot actions

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object BotActionSerializer : KSerializer<BotAction>
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object ChooseStickerAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is uploading video note

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class CustomBotAction constructor(actionName: String) : BotAction
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object FindLocationAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is trying to find location

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object RecordVideoAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is recording some video

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object RecordVideoNoteAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is recording video note

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object RecordVoiceAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is recording some audio

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object TypingAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is "typing" something

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object UploadDocumentAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is uploading some document

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object UploadPhotoAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is uploading some photo

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object UploadVideoAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is uploading some photo

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object UploadVideoNoteAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is uploading video note

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object UploadVoiceAction : BotAction

Will notify user that bot is uploading some audio


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inline fun BotAction.asChooseStickerAction(): ChooseStickerAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asFindLocation(): FindLocationAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asRecordVideo(): RecordVideoAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asRecordVideoNote(): RecordVideoNoteAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asRecordVoice(): RecordVoiceAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asTyping(): TypingAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asUploadDocument(): UploadDocumentAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asUploadPhoto(): UploadPhotoAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asUploadVideo(): UploadVideoAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asUploadVideoNote(): UploadVideoNoteAction?
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inline fun BotAction.asUploadVoice(): UploadVoiceAction?


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val chooseSticker: ChooseStickerAction
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val findLocation: FindLocationAction
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val recordVideo: RecordVideoAction
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val recordVideoNote: RecordVideoNoteAction
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val recordVoice: RecordVoiceAction
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val typing: TypingAction
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val uploadDocument: UploadDocumentAction
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val uploadPhoto: UploadPhotoAction
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val uploadVideo: UploadVideoAction
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val uploadVideoNote: UploadVideoNoteAction
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val uploadVoice: UploadVoiceAction