
class SimpleMultiServerRequestsExecutor(bots: List<TelegramBot>, botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot, onClose: () -> Unit) : RequestsExecutor

This type of RequestsExecutor (aka TelegramBot) has been created to aggregate several bots under the hood and make requests, for example, with changing of api url



Bots which will be used to executes


It is strategy by which the bot is selected for the execution. This lambda will receive -1 when request execution just started and this call is first in context of one execute. By default, will select next TelegramBot when called (or first when current index is last or -1)


This method will be called inside of close method. By default, will close all bots


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fun SimpleMultiServerRequestsExecutor(bots: List<TelegramBot>, botSelector: suspend List<TelegramBot>.(currentBotIndex: Int, t: Throwable?) -> TelegramBot = { i, _ -> getOrElse(i + 1) { first() } }, onClose: () -> Unit = { bots.forEach(TelegramBot::close) })


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object Companion


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open override fun close()
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open suspend override fun <T : Any> execute(request: Request<T>): T

Unsafe execution of incoming request. Can throw almost any exception. So, it is better to use something like dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.shortcuts.executeAsync or dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.utils.shortcuts.executeUnsafe