Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.behaviour_builder


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interface BehaviourContext : FlowsUpdatesFilter, RequestsExecutor, CoroutineScope

This class contains all necessary tools for work with bots and especially buildBehaviour

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interface BehaviourContextWithFSM<T : State> : BehaviourContext, StatesMachine<T>

Interface which combine BehaviourContext and StatesMachine. Subcontext of triggers and states contexts must have one common flow of updates and must not lose updates between updates

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fun interface BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I : O, O : State> : StatesHandler<I, O>
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class BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<I : O, O : State>(    inputKlass: KClass<I>,     strict: Boolean = false,     delegateTo: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>) : CheckableHandlerHolder<O, O> , BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<O, O>

Special holder for BehaviourContextWithFSM. This holder helps BehaviourContextWithFSM to understand whether it can handle input State with delegateTo or not

typealias CustomBehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<BC, T, I1, I2> = suspend BC.(I1, I2) -> T
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typealias CustomBehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<BC, T, I> = suspend BC.(I) -> T
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typealias CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<BC, T> = suspend BC.() -> T
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class DefaultBehaviourContext(    val bot: TelegramBot,     val scope: CoroutineScope,     broadcastChannelsSize: Int = 100,     onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND,     upstreamUpdatesFlow: Flow<Update>? = null,     val triggersHolder: TriggersHolder = TriggersHolder(),     updatesFilter: BehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<Boolean, Update>? = null) : AbstractFlowsUpdatesFilter, RequestsExecutor, CoroutineScope, BehaviourContext
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class DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T : State>(    behaviourContext: BehaviourContext,     statesManager: StatesManager<T>,     handlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>>) : BehaviourContext, BehaviourContextWithFSM<T>

Default realization of BehaviourContextWithFSM. It uses behaviourContext as a base for this object as BehaviourContext, but managing substates contexts updates for avoiding of updates lost between states


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inline fun <T> Deferred<T>.asAction(): DeferredAction<T, T>
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fun BehaviourContext(    bot: TelegramBot,     scope: CoroutineScope,     flowsUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter = FlowsUpdatesFilter(),     triggersHolder: TriggersHolder = TriggersHolder()): DefaultBehaviourContext
inline fun <T> BehaviourContext(    bot: TelegramBot,     scope: CoroutineScope,     flowsUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter = FlowsUpdatesFilter(),     triggersHolder: TriggersHolder = TriggersHolder(),     crossinline block: BehaviourContext.() -> T): T
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inline fun <T, I1, I2> BehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver(noinline block: BehaviourContextAndTwoTypesReceiver<T, I1, I2>): suspend BehaviourContext.(I1, I2) -> T
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inline fun <T, I> BehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver(noinline block: BehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<T, I>): suspend BehaviourContext.(I) -> T
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inline fun <T> BehaviourContextReceiver(noinline block: BehaviourContextReceiver<T>): suspend BehaviourContext.() -> T
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inline fun <I : O, O : State> BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder(strict: Boolean = false, delegateTo: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>): BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<I, O>
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suspend fun TelegramBot.buildBehaviour(    flowUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter = FlowsUpdatesFilter(),     scope: CoroutineScope = defaultCoroutineScopeProvider(),     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     block: BehaviourContextReceiver<Unit>)

Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowUpdatesFilter.

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suspend fun <T : State> TelegramBot.buildBehaviourWithFSM(    flowUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter,     scope: CoroutineScope = defaultCoroutineScopeProvider(),     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     statesManager: StatesManager<T> = DefaultStatesManager(InMemoryDefaultStatesManagerRepo()),     presetHandlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>> = listOf(),     block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Unit>): DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>

Creates BehaviourContextWithFSM via creating of DefaultBehaviourContext with this as TelegramBot, scope as target scope for that DefaultBehaviourContext and FlowsUpdatesFilter.allUpdatesFlow of flowUpdatesFilter as DefaultBehaviourContext.upstreamUpdatesFlow. Pass statesManager to customize some internal logic of states changes. Pass presetHandlers in case you have some list of BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder with presets. Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowUpdatesFilter.

suspend fun <T : State> TelegramBot.buildBehaviourWithFSM(    upstreamUpdatesFlow: Flow<Update>? = null,     scope: CoroutineScope = defaultCoroutineScopeProvider(),     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     statesManager: StatesManager<T> = DefaultStatesManager(InMemoryDefaultStatesManagerRepo()),     presetHandlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>> = listOf(),     block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Unit>): DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>

Creates BehaviourContextWithFSM via creating of DefaultBehaviourContext with this as TelegramBot, scope as target scope for that DefaultBehaviourContext and upstreamUpdatesFlow. Pass statesManager to customize some internal logic of states changes. Pass presetHandlers in case you have some list of BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder with presets.

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suspend fun <T : State> TelegramBot.buildBehaviourWithFSMAndStartLongPolling(    scope: CoroutineScope = defaultCoroutineScopeProvider(),     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     statesManager: StatesManager<T> = DefaultStatesManager(InMemoryDefaultStatesManagerRepo()),     presetHandlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>> = listOf(),     block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Unit>): Job
suspend fun <T : State> TelegramBot.buildBehaviourWithFSMAndStartLongPolling(    upstreamUpdatesFlow: Flow<Update>? = null,     scope: CoroutineScope = defaultCoroutineScopeProvider(),     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     statesManager: StatesManager<T> = DefaultStatesManager(InMemoryDefaultStatesManagerRepo()),     presetHandlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>> = listOf(),     block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Unit>): Pair<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Job>

Use buildBehaviourWithFSM to create BehaviourContextWithFSM and launch getting of updates using longPolling. For longPolling will be used result BehaviourContextWithFSM for both parameters flowsUpdatesFilter and scope

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suspend fun TelegramBot.buildBehaviourWithLongPolling(    scope: CoroutineScope = defaultCoroutineScopeProvider(),     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     block: BehaviourContextReceiver<Unit>): Job

Use this method to build bot behaviour and run it via long polling. In case you wish to get FlowsUpdatesFilter for additional manipulations, you must provide external FlowsUpdatesFilter in other buildBehaviour function.

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fun <BC : BehaviourContext> BC.createSubContext(    scope: CoroutineScope = LinkedSupervisorScope(),     triggersHolder: TriggersHolder = this.triggersHolder,     updatesUpstreamFlow: Flow<Update> = allUpdatesFlow,     updatesFilter: CustomBehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<BC, Boolean, Update>? = null): BC
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suspend fun <T, BC : BehaviourContext> BC.createSubContextAndDoWithUpdatesFilter(    scope: CoroutineScope = LinkedSupervisorScope(),     triggersHolder: TriggersHolder = this.triggersHolder,     updatesUpstreamFlow: Flow<Update> = allUpdatesFlow,     updatesFilter: CustomBehaviourContextAndTypeReceiver<BC, Boolean, Update>? = null,     stopOnCompletion: Boolean = true,     behaviourContextReceiver: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<BC, T>): T

Creates new one BehaviourContext using createSubContext and launches behaviourContextReceiver in a new context using doInContext

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inline fun <BC, T> CustomBehaviourContextReceiver(noinline block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<BC, T>): suspend BC.() -> T
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suspend fun <T, BC : BehaviourContext> BC.doInContext(stopOnCompletion: Boolean = false, behaviourContextReceiver: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<BC, T>): T
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suspend fun <O> BehaviourContext.oneOf(vararg deferredActions: Deferred<O>): O
suspend fun <O> BehaviourContext.oneOf(deferredActions: Iterable<Deferred<O>>): O
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suspend fun <O> BehaviourContext.oneOfActions(vararg deferredActions: DeferredAction<*, O>): O
suspend fun <O> BehaviourContext.oneOfActions(deferredActions: Iterable<DeferredAction<*, O>>): O
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inline fun <I : O, O : State> BehaviourContextWithFSM<O>.onStateOrSubstate(handler: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>)

Add NON STRICT handler to list of available in future BehaviourContextWithFSM. Non strict means that for input State will be used KClass.isInstance and any inheritor of kClass will pass this requirement

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suspend fun <T> BehaviourContext.parallel(action: BehaviourContextReceiver<T>): Deferred<T>
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fun BehaviourContext.stop()

This method will cancel ALL subsequent contexts, expectations and waiters

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inline fun <I : O, O : State> BehaviourContextWithFSM<O>.strictlyOn(handler: BehaviourWithFSMStateHandler<I, O>)

Add STRICT handler to list of available in future BehaviourContextWithFSM. Strict means that for input State will be used State::class == kClass and any State with exactly the same type will pass requirements

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suspend fun telegramBotWithBehaviour(    token: String,     flowsUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter = FlowsUpdatesFilter(),     scope: CoroutineScope? = null,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     testServer: Boolean = false,     block: BehaviourContextReceiver<Unit>): TelegramBot

Create bot using telegramBot and start listening for updates using buildBehaviour. Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowsUpdatesFilter.

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suspend fun <T : State> telegramBotWithBehaviourAndFSM(    token: String,     flowsUpdatesFilter: FlowsUpdatesFilter,     scope: CoroutineScope? = null,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     statesManager: StatesManager<T> = DefaultStatesManager(InMemoryDefaultStatesManagerRepo()),     presetHandlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>> = listOf(),     testServer: Boolean = false,     block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Unit>): TelegramBot

Create bot using telegramBot and start listening for updates using buildBehaviourWithFSM. Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowsUpdatesFilter.

suspend fun <T : State> telegramBotWithBehaviourAndFSMAndStartLongPolling(    token: String,     scope: CoroutineScope? = null,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     statesManager: StatesManager<T> = DefaultStatesManager(InMemoryDefaultStatesManagerRepo()),     presetHandlers: List<BehaviourWithFSMStateHandlerHolder<*, T>> = listOf(),     testServer: Boolean = false,     block: CustomBehaviourContextReceiver<DefaultBehaviourContextWithFSM<T>, Unit>): Pair<TelegramBot, Job>

Create bot using telegramBot and start listening for updates using buildBehaviourWithFSMAndStartLongPolling. This method will launch updates retrieving via long polling inside of buildBehaviourWithFSMAndStartLongPolling

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suspend fun telegramBotWithBehaviourAndLongPolling(    token: String,     scope: CoroutineScope? = null,     apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl,     builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {},     defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null,     testServer: Boolean = false,     block: BehaviourContextReceiver<Unit>): Pair<TelegramBot, Job>

Create bot using telegramBot and start listening for updates using buildBehaviourWithLongPolling. Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowsUpdatesFilter.

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infix inline fun <T, O> Deferred<T>.withAction(noinline callback: suspend (T) -> O): DeferredAction<T, O>


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expect var defaultCoroutineScopeProvider: () -> CoroutineScope

This function is used in buildBehaviour extensions to provide default CoroutineScope and allow to avoid all unnecessary parameters except of block

actual var defaultCoroutineScopeProvider: () -> CoroutineScope
actual var defaultCoroutineScopeProvider: () -> CoroutineScope