
suspend fun telegramBotWithBehaviourAndLongPolling(token: String, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, apiUrl: String = telegramBotAPIDefaultUrl, builder: KtorRequestsExecutorBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, defaultExceptionsHandler: ExceptionHandler<Unit>? = null, testServer: Boolean = false, timeoutSeconds: Seconds = 30, autoDisableWebhooks: Boolean = true, autoSkipTimeoutExceptions: Boolean = true, mediaGroupsDebounceTimeMillis: Long? = 1000, block: BehaviourContextReceiver<Unit>): Pair<TelegramBot, Job>

Create bot using telegramBot and start listening for updates using buildBehaviourWithLongPolling. Use this method in case you wish to make some additional actions with flowsUpdatesFilter.

WARNING This method WILL launch updates listening inside of calling buildBehaviourWithLongPolling


Pair of TelegramBot and Job. This Job can be used to stop listening updates in your block you passed here

See also



Will be used for calling of updateHandlerWithMediaGroupsAdaptation. Pass null in case you wish to enable classic way of updates handling, but in that mode some media group messages can be retrieved in different updates