Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.requests.answers


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data class AnswerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryId: CallbackQueryIdentifier, text: String?, showAlert: Boolean?, url: String?, cachedTimeSeconds: Int?) : SimpleRequest<Boolean>
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data class AnswerInlineQuery(inlineQueryID: InlineQueryIdentifier, results: List<InlineQueryResult>, cachedTime: Int?, isPersonal: Boolean?, nextOffset: String?, switchPmText: String?, switchPmParameter: String?) : SimpleRequest<Boolean>
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object InlineQueryAnswersResultsSerializer : KSerializer<List<InlineQueryResult>>


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fun CallbackQuery.createAnswer(text: String? = null, showAlert: Boolean? = null, url: String? = null, cachedTimeSeconds: Int? = null): AnswerCallbackQuery
fun InlineQuery.createAnswer(results: List<InlineQueryResult> = emptyList(), cachedTime: Int? = null, isPersonal: Boolean? = null, nextOffset: String? = null, switchPmText: String? = null, switchPmParameter: String? = null): AnswerInlineQuery