Send Venue
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fun SendVenue(chatId: ChatIdentifier, venue: Venue, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyToMessageId: MessageId? = null, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null)
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fun SendVenue(chatId: ChatIdentifier, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, title: String, address: String, foursquareId: FoursquareId? = null, foursquareType: FoursquareType? = null, googlePlaceId: GooglePlaceId? = null, googlePlaceType: GooglePlaceType? = null, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, replyToMessageId: MessageId? = null, allowSendingWithoutReply: Boolean? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null)