
data class StickerSurrogate(    val file_id: FileId,     val file_unique_id: FileUniqueId,     val width: Int,     val height: Int,     val is_animated: Boolean? = null,     val is_video: Boolean? = null,     val thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     val emoji: String? = null,     val set_name: StickerSetName? = null,     val mask_position: MaskPosition? = null,     val file_size: Long? = null)


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fun StickerSurrogate(    file_id: FileId,     file_unique_id: FileUniqueId,     width: Int,     height: Int,     is_animated: Boolean? = null,     is_video: Boolean? = null,     thumb: PhotoSize? = null,     emoji: String? = null,     set_name: StickerSetName? = null,     mask_position: MaskPosition? = null,     file_size: Long? = null)


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val emoji: String? = null
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val file_id: FileId
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val file_size: Long? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val file_unique_id: FileUniqueId
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val height: Int
Link copied to clipboard
val is_animated: Boolean? = null
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val is_video: Boolean? = null
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val mask_position: MaskPosition? = null
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val set_name: StickerSetName? = null
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val thumb: PhotoSize? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val width: Int