Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.message.content


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data class AnimationContent(    val media: AnimationFile,     val includedDocument: DocumentFile?,     val text: String?,     val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : TextedMediaContent
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data class AudioContent(    val media: AudioFile,     val text: String? = null,     val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : AudioMediaGroupContent
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interface AudioMediaGroupContent : MediaGroupContent
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data class ContactContent(val contact: Contact) : MessageContent
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data class DiceContent(val dice: Dice) : MessageContent
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data class DocumentContent(    val media: DocumentFile,     val text: String? = null,     val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : DocumentMediaGroupContent
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interface DocumentMediaGroupContent : MediaGroupContent
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data class GameContent(val game: Game) : MessageContent
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data class InvoiceContent(val invoice: Invoice) : MessageContent
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data class LiveLocationContent(val location: LiveLocation) : LocationContent

LocationContent which represents content with LiveLocation. In case you are tracking this content throw message changes, may evolve to StaticLocationContent

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interface LocationContent : MessageContent

MessageContent with location. This interface contains copy method for cases when you do not want to use some class casts for copying of content

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object LocationContentSerializer : KSerializer<LocationContent>

KSerializer for LocationContent

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interface MediaCollectionContent<T : TelegramMediaFile> : MessageContent, MediaContent
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interface MediaContent : MessageContent
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interface MediaGroupContent : TextedMediaContent
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interface MessageContent : ResendableContent
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data class PhotoContent(    val mediaCollection: Photo,     val text: String? = null,     val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : MediaCollectionContent<PhotoSize> , VisualMediaGroupContent
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data class PollContent(val poll: Poll) : MessageContent
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interface ResendableContent
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data class StaticLocationContent(val location: StaticLocation) : LocationContent

Just a LocationContent with StaticLocation. It could be LiveLocationContent in previous time in case when somebody has sent LiveLocation in chat and then stop to broadcast location

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data class StickerContent(val media: Sticker) : MediaContent
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data class TextContent(val text: String, val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : MessageContent, TextedInput
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interface TextedMediaContent : MediaContent, TextedInput
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data class VenueContent(val venue: Venue) : MessageContent
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data class VideoContent(    val media: VideoFile,     val text: String? = null,     val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : VisualMediaGroupContent
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data class VideoNoteContent(val media: VideoNoteFile) : MediaContent
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interface VisualMediaGroupContent : MediaGroupContent
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data class VoiceContent(    val media: VoiceFile,     val text: String? = null,     val textSources: TextSourcesList = emptyList()) : TextedMediaContent


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inline fun MediaContent.asDocumentContent(): DocumentContent