Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.extensions.api.get


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suspend fun TelegramBot.getFileAdditionalInfo(fileId: FileId): PathedFile
suspend fun TelegramBot.getFileAdditionalInfo(file: TelegramMediaFile): PathedFile
suspend fun TelegramBot.getFileAdditionalInfo(content: MediaContent): PathedFile
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suspend fun TelegramBot.getStickerSet(sticker: Sticker): StickerSet
suspend fun TelegramBot.getStickerSet(name: String): StickerSet
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suspend fun TelegramBot.getUserProfilePhotos(    userId: UserId,     offset: Int? = null,     limit: Int? = null): UserProfilePhotos
suspend fun TelegramBot.getUserProfilePhotos(    user: CommonUser,     offset: Int? = null,     limit: Int? = null): UserProfilePhotos