
data class ChatJoinRequest(chat: PublicChat, from: User, date: TelegramDate, inviteLink: ChatInviteLink, bio: String?) : FromUser

Represent a ChatJoinRequest


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fun ChatJoinRequest(chat: PublicChat, from: User, date: TelegramDate, inviteLink: ChatInviteLink, bio: String? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
val bio: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val chat: PublicChat
Link copied to clipboard
val date: TelegramDate
Link copied to clipboard
val dateTime: DateTime
Link copied to clipboard
open override val from: User

The source User of this type

Link copied to clipboard
val inviteLink: ChatInviteLink
Link copied to clipboard
open override val user: User


Link copied to clipboard
val ChatJoinRequest.invite_link: ChatInviteLink