Package dev.inmo.tgbotapi.types.payments


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data class Invoice(title: String, description: String, startParameter: StartParameter, currency: Currency, amount: Long) : Amounted, Currencied
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data class LabeledPrice(label: String, amount: Long) : Amounted
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object LabeledPricesSerializer : KSerializer<List<LabeledPrice>>
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data class OrderInfo(name: String, phoneNumber: String, email: String, shippingAddress: ShippingAddress)
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data class PreCheckoutQuery(id: PreCheckoutQueryId, from: User, currency: Currency, amount: Long, invoicePayload: InvoicePayload, shippingOptionId: ShippingOptionIdentifier?, orderInfo: OrderInfo?) : Currencied, Amounted, FromUser
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data class ShippingAddress(countryCode: String, city: String, firstStreetLine: String, secondStreetLine: String, state: String, postCode: String)
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data class ShippingOption(id: ShippingOptionIdentifier, title: String, prices: List<LabeledPrice>) : Priced
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data class ShippingQuery(id: ShippingQueryIdentifier, from: User, invoicePayload: InvoicePayload, shippingAddress: ShippingAddress) : FromUser
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data class SuccessfulPayment(currency: Currency, amount: Long, invoicePayload: String, telegramPaymentChargeId: String, providerPaymentChargeId: String, shippingOptionId: String?, orderInfo: OrderInfo?) : Amounted, Currencied


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fun Currencied.javaCurrency(): Currency