
data class UnknownStickerSet(val name: StickerSetName, val title: String, val stickers: List<Sticker>, val stickerType: StickerType, val thumbnail: PhotoSize? = null, val raw: JsonElement) : StickerSet


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constructor(name: StickerSetName, title: String, stickers: List<Sticker>, stickerType: StickerType, thumbnail: PhotoSize? = null, raw: JsonElement)


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@SerialName(value = "name")
open override val name: StickerSetName
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val raw: JsonElement
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@SerialName(value = "stickers")
open override val stickers: List<Sticker>
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@SerialName(value = "sticker_type")
open override val stickerType: StickerType
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@SerialName(value = "thumbnail")
open override val thumbnail: PhotoSize? = null
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@SerialName(value = "title")
open override val title: String