
@Serializable(with = PollSerializer::class)
data class QuizPoll(val id: PollId, val question: String, val textSources: List<TextSource> = emptyList(), val options: List<PollOption>, val votesCount: Int, val correctOptionId: Int? = null, val explanation: String?, val explanationTextSources: List<TextSource> = emptyList(), val isClosed: Boolean = false, val isAnonymous: Boolean = false, val scheduledCloseInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo? = null) : Poll


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constructor(id: PollId, question: String, textSources: List<TextSource> = emptyList(), options: List<PollOption>, votesCount: Int, correctOptionId: Int? = null, explanation: String?, explanationTextSources: List<TextSource> = emptyList(), isClosed: Boolean = false, isAnonymous: Boolean = false, scheduledCloseInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo? = null)


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val correctOptionId: Int? = null

Nullable due to documentation (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#poll)

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open override val id: PollId
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open override val isAnonymous: Boolean = false
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open override val isClosed: Boolean = false
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open override val options: List<PollOption>
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open override val question: String
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open override val scheduledCloseInfo: ScheduledCloseInfo? = null
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open override val text: String
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open override val textSources: List<TextSource>

Full list of TextSources

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open override val votesCount: Int


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fun Poll.createRequest(chatId: ChatIdentifier, threadId: MessageThreadId? = chatId.threadId, businessConnectionId: BusinessConnectionId? = chatId.businessConnectionId, disableNotification: Boolean = false, protectContent: Boolean = false, effectId: EffectId? = null, replyParameters: ReplyParameters? = null, replyMarkup: KeyboardMarkup? = null): SendPoll