
suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(    workName: String,     delayMillis: Long,     workClass: Class<T>,     existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE,     setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation

This method will enqueue OneTimeWorkRequest with workName and existingWorkPolicy. Use setUpRequest callback in case you need some additional actions to do before request will be enqueued

inline suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(    workName: String,     delayMillis: Long,     existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE,     noinline setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation

This method is shortcut for enqueueKronSchedulerWork with reified T parameter

suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(    workName: String,     initialScheduler: KronScheduler,     workClass: Class<T>,     existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE,     setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation?

This method is shortcut for enqueueKronSchedulerWork with initialScheduler. It will try to calculate delay by itself. In case if KronScheduler.next of initialScheduler will return null, work WILL NOT be enqueued


null in case if KronScheduler.next of initialScheduler has returned null and work has not been enqueued

inline suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(    workName: String,     initialScheduler: KronScheduler,     existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE,     noinline setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation?

This method is shortcut for enqueueKronSchedulerWork with reified T


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