Package dev.inmo.krontab


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interface KronScheduler

This interface was created for abstraction of next operation. Currently, there is only dev.inmo.krontab.internal.CronDateTimeScheduler realisation of this interface inside of this library, but you it is possible to create your own realisation of this interface for scheduling, for example, depending of users activity or something like this

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interface KronSchedulerTz : KronScheduler

This interface extending KronScheduler to use DateTimeTz with taking into account offset of incoming time for next operation.

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abstract class KronSchedulerWork(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker

Use this class as a super class in case you wish to implement krontab-based enqueuing of works

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typealias KrontabTemplate = String
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abstract class KrontabTemplateSchedulerWork(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : KronSchedulerWork

Extend this class in case you wish to base on KrontabTemplate. It will automatically handle request of kronScheduler and put it in setUpRequest

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data class KrontabTemplateWrapper(template: KrontabTemplate) : KronScheduler

This class contains template and can be simply serialized/deserialized. In fact that class will work as dev.inmo.krontab.internal.CronDateTimeScheduler due to the fact that toKronScheduler will return it under the hood


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fun buildSchedule(incoming: KrontabTemplate): KronScheduler
fun buildSchedule(incoming: KrontabTemplate, defaultOffset: Minutes): KronSchedulerTz
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fun createSimpleScheduler(incoming: KrontabTemplate): KronScheduler

Parse incoming string and adapt according to next format: "* * * * *" where order of things:

fun createSimpleScheduler(incoming: KrontabTemplate, defaultOffset: Minutes): KronSchedulerTz
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inline suspend fun KronScheduler.doInfinity(noinline block: suspend (DateTime) -> Unit)

Will execute block without any checking of result

inline suspend fun doInfinity(scheduleConfig: String, noinline block: suspend (DateTime) -> Unit)

Will buildSchedule using scheduleConfig and call doInfinity with block

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inline suspend fun KronScheduler.doInfinityTz(noinline block: suspend (DateTimeTz) -> Unit)

Will execute block without any checking of result

inline suspend fun doInfinityTz(scheduleConfig: String, noinline block: suspend (DateTimeTz) -> Unit)

Will buildSchedule using scheduleConfig and call doInfinity with block

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inline suspend fun <T> KronScheduler.doOnce(noinline block: suspend (DateTime) -> T): T

Execute block once at the time and return result of block calculation.

inline suspend fun <T> doOnce(scheduleConfig: String, noinline block: suspend (DateTime) -> T): T

Will buildSchedule using scheduleConfig and call doOnce on it

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inline suspend fun <T> KronScheduler.doOnceTz(noinline block: suspend (DateTimeTz) -> T): T

Execute block once at the time and return result of block calculation.

inline suspend fun <T> doOnceTz(scheduleConfig: String, noinline block: suspend (DateTimeTz) -> T): T

Will buildSchedule using scheduleConfig and call doOnce on it

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inline suspend fun KronScheduler.doWhile(noinline block: suspend (DateTime) -> Boolean)

Will execute block while it will return true as a result of its calculation

inline suspend fun doWhile(scheduleConfig: String, noinline block: suspend (DateTime) -> Boolean)

Will buildSchedule using scheduleConfig and call doWhile with block

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inline suspend fun KronScheduler.doWhileTz(noinline block: suspend (DateTimeTz) -> Boolean)

Will execute block while it will return true as a result of its calculation

inline suspend fun doWhileTz(scheduleConfig: String, noinline block: suspend (DateTimeTz) -> Boolean)

Will buildSchedule using scheduleConfig and call doWhile with block

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inline suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(workName: String, initialScheduler: KronScheduler, existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, noinline setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation?

This method is shortcut for enqueueKronSchedulerWork with reified T

inline suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(workName: String, delayMillis: Long, existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, noinline setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation

This method is shortcut for enqueueKronSchedulerWork with reified T parameter

suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(workName: String, initialScheduler: KronScheduler, workClass: Class<T>, existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation?

This method is shortcut for enqueueKronSchedulerWork with initialScheduler. It will try to calculate delay by itself. In case if of initialScheduler will return null, work WILL NOT be enqueued

suspend fun <T : KronSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKronSchedulerWork(workName: String, delayMillis: Long, workClass: Class<T>, existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): Operation

This method will enqueue OneTimeWorkRequest with workName and existingWorkPolicy. Use setUpRequest callback in case you need some additional actions to do before request will be enqueued

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inline suspend fun <T : KrontabTemplateSchedulerWork> Context.enqueueKrontabTemplateSchedulerWork(workName: String, krontabTemplate: KrontabTemplate, existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy = ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, noinline setUpRequest: suspend OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.(data: Data) -> Unit = {}): Operation?

Will enqueueKronSchedulerWork with KronScheduler from krontabTemplate and call setUpRequest on setting up OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder with Data which will be used to OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder.setInputData after setUpRequest completed

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inline fun Iterable<KronScheduler>.merge(): CollectionKronScheduler
fun Iterator<KronScheduler>.merge(): CollectionKronScheduler

Create new one CollectionKronScheduler to include all KronSchedulers of this

inline fun merge(vararg kronDateTimeSchedulers: KronScheduler): CollectionKronScheduler
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suspend fun DateTimeTz): DateTimeTz?
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suspend fun KronScheduler.nextOrNow(): DateTime
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suspend fun KronSchedulerTz.nextOrNowWithOffset(): DateTimeTz
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suspend fun KronScheduler.nextOrRelative(relatively: DateTime = DateTime
suspend fun KronSchedulerTz.nextOrRelative(relatively: DateTimeTz): DateTimeTz
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suspend fun KronScheduler.nextTimeZoned(): DateTimeTz?
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fun KrontabTemplate.toKronScheduler(): KronScheduler
fun KrontabTemplate.toKronScheduler(defaultOffset: Minutes): KronSchedulerTz

Shortcut for buildSchedule

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fun KrontabTemplate.toSchedule(): KronScheduler
fun KrontabTemplate.toSchedule(defaultOffset: Minutes): KronSchedulerTz

Shortcut for buildSchedule

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val AnyTimeScheduler: KronScheduler will always return

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val EveryDayOfMonthScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one day

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val EveryHourScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one hour

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val EveryMillisecondScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one millisecond

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val EveryMinuteScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one minute

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val EveryMonthScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one month

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val EverySecondScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one second

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val EveryYearScheduler: KronScheduler will always return + one year

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const val krontabTemplateWorkField: String