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Getting started (TBD)

Maven Central

Traditionally, you need to add dependency to your project. Currently, there are two types of artifacts:

  • Core - only necessary tools for your projects
  • MVVM - Model-View-ViewModel architecture tools + Core components
Artifact Purpose Dependency
Core Only necessary tools for your projects implementation "dev.inmo:navigation.core:$navigation_version"
MVVM Model-View-ViewModel architecture tools + Core components implementation "dev.inmo:navigation.mvvm:$navigation_version"

Get started

After you have added your dependency, you should initialize navigation. There are several important things:

  1. Config - it is an instance of any class which extending the NavigationNodeDefaultConfig in common case
  2. Factory - usually object which may create a node or some required part for node

For example: lets imagine that we have a node Main. Here what should we do to create a node and make it workable in navigation:

data class MainConfig(
    // this id will be used to search an html element by id in JS
    // and Fragment by tag in Android
    override val id: String = "main"
) : NavigationNodeDefaultConfig

Both JS and Android platforms require ViewModel for their MVVM node variants, but it can be common as well as MainConfig:

class MainViewModel(
    node: NavigationNode<MainConfig, NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>
) : ViewModel(

JS part

// Core variant without MVVM or Compose
class MainNode(
    config: MainConfig,
    chain: NavigationChain<NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>,
) : JsNavigationNode<MainConfig, NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>(
) {
    // Some code
    // In htmlElementStateFlow will be found `HTMLElement` where node should be binded
// MVVM Compose variant
class MainNodeView(
    config: MainConfig,
    chain: NavigationChain<NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>,
) : View<MainConfig, MainViewModel>(
) {
    // Some code
    // In htmlElementStateFlow will be found `HTMLElement` where node should be binded
    override onDraw() {
        Text("Hello world")

object MainNodeFactory : NavigationNodeFactory<NavigationNodeDefaultConfig> {
    override fun createNode(
        navigationChain: NavigationChain<NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>,
        config: NavigationNodeDefaultConfig
    ): NavigationNode<out NavigationNodeDefaultConfig, NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>? = if (config is MainConfig) {
        MainNode(config, navigationChain) // Or `MainNodeView(config, chain)` for MVVM
    } else {

Data below is under TBD


In Android there is one important note: you will not directly work with nodes. In fact it will be required to create special NodeFragment:

// Core variant
class MainFragment : NodeFragment<MainConfig, NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>() {
    // Your code
    // Here will be available: node with type `AndroidFragmentNode`, config: `MainConfig`
// MVVM Variant
class MainViewFragment : ViewFragment<MainViewModel, MainConfig>() {
    // Will be available also `viewModel` via koin `lazyInject`
    override val viewModelClass
        get() = MainViewModel::class

Initialization is different on the platforms, so, lets take a look at each one.


In JavaScript it looks like:

    ConfigHolder.Chain( // (1)
        ConfigHolder.Node( // (2)
            MainConfig(), // (3)
            null, // (4)
            listOf() // (5)
    configsRepo = CookiesNavigationConfigsRepo( // (6)
        Json {
            ignoreUnknownKeys = true
            serializersModule = SerializersModule {
                polymorphic(NavigationNodeDefaultConfig::class, MainConfig::class, MainConfig.serializer()) // (7)
    dropRedundantChainsOnRestore = true, // (8)
    nodesFactory = MainNodeFactory, // (9)
  1. Creating of default root chain config holder. It must be root chain because of the chain work with statuses changes
  2. Creating of default root node config holder. This type contains config of the first node, its subnode and subchains lists
  3. Default root config
  4. Subnode of root node. In this case it is null, but can be any ConfigHolder.Node
  5. Subchains of default root node
  6. Configurations changes repo saver. By default it is cookies (localStorage) store
  7. Register config for serialization to let configs repo serializer to know how to serialize MainConfig
  8. Flag that the chains without any node will be dropped automatically
  9. In fact here can be factory aggregator, for example:
val factories: List<NavigationNodeFactory<NavigationNodeDefaultConfig>>
NavigationNodeFactory<NavigationNodeDefaultConfig> { chainHolder, config ->
    factories.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.createNode(chainHolder, config) }