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Repositories in this library are unified interfaces to work with different types of standard repos:

  • CRUD (create/read/update/delete)
  • Key-value
  • Key-values


Default interface for any CRUD-oriented realization of repositories. This type of repos separated to three interfaces:

flowchart TB ReadCRUDRepo --> CRUDRepo WriteCRUDRepo --> CRUDRepo

CRUDRepo extends both ReadCRUDRepo and WriteCRUDRepo.

CRUD repos do not support forced placing of data by id when data is not in repo. That means, that you can’t set data in repo by id which absent in the repository.


Contains read-only operations, such as getById, contains. This interface can’t be observed because of it does not suppose any mutable operation.


Contains write-only operations, such as create, update. This interface can be observed via its flows:


By default, all mutating operations consumes Lists of data (List<New> for create, List<Pair<Id, New>> for update and List<Id> for delete), but all they have their extension function-variations with one/two args (like create with New arg)

create operation consumes list of New variants of object and produces Registereds list. In most cases, Registered variant of object should have Id of registered object, but it is not required for repo.

update operation consumes list of pairs with Id and New objects and produces list of Registered objects.

deleteById operation consumes list of Ids and do not consume anything except of notifying via deletedObjectsIdsFlow.


Key-value repos has been created to support work with classic key-value stores, where keys are unique across all the repo when values are not unique. As well as all the others types of repos, this one have two basic types: ReadKeyValueRepo and WriteKeyValueRepo


Read repo provides functions like: contains, get or values.


Contains write-only operations. This interface can be observed via its flows:


By default, all mutating operations consumes some collections. For example, set require Map with Keys and Values and do not returns anything. Instead, it will throw notification via onNewValue flow

All the methods on WriteKeyValueRepo have their variances with pairs (for set) or plain varargs.

set operation consumes map of Keys and their Values, set them and produces updates via onNewValue

unset operation consumes list of Keys, removing Value by Key and produces updates via onValueRemoved

unsetWithValues consumes list of Values, removing all Keys with the Values equal to one of the input Values, and then produces updates via onValueRemoved