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PlaguBot is a small framework for unifying developing of modules of bots. It is built with two parts:


Plugin is a partially independent part of bot. Plugin have several parts:

  • setupDI - this method should be used to configure DI part of module
  • setupBotPlugin - method to start/configure your bot actions

Plugin realization should be an object or class with empty constructor.


Most important of bot is main function (full reference: dev.inmo.plagubot.AppKt). It consumes one argument - path to config.

Bot is initializing with the next algorithm:

flowchart TB main["Main"] subgraph ConfigReading ConfigJsonParsing["Parsing to Json"] ConfigParsing["Parsing to global config"] ConfigJsonParsing --> ConfigParsing end ConfigReading["Reading of config"] BotConstructorCalling["Calling of PlaguBot constructor"] subgraph BotStart BotStartKoinAppInit["Initialization of koin app"] subgraph BotStartSetupDI sample end BotStartKoinAppInit --> BotStartSetupDI end main --> ConfigReading ConfigReading --> BotConstructorCalling BotConstructorCalling --> BotStart