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Custom KronScheduler

You always able to create your own scheduler. In this section will be presented different ways and examples around standard CronDateTimeScheduler builders buildSchedule. You can read about schedulers in KrontabScheduler

Currently, buildSchedule is the recommended start point for every scheduler. Usually, it is look like:

val scheduler = buildSchedule("5 * * * *")


val scheduler = buildSchedule {
  seconds {

On the top of any KronScheduler currently there are several groups of extensions:

  • Executes
  • Shortcuts
  • Flows


All executes are look like do.... All executes are described below:

  • doOnce - will get the next time for executing, delay until that time and call block with returning of the block result
  • doWhile - will call doOnce while it will return true (that means that block must return true if it expects that next call must happen). In two words: it will run while block returning true
  • doInfinity - will call the block using doWhile with predefined returning true. In two words: it will call block while it do not throw error


Shortcuts are the constants that are initializing in a lazy way to provide preset KronSchedulers. For more info about KrontabScheduler you can read its own page.

  • AnyTimeScheduler - will always return incoming DateTime as next
  • Every*Scheduler - return near * since the passed relatively:
  • EverySecondScheduler
  • EveryMinuteScheduler
  • EveryHourScheduler
  • EveryDayOfMonthScheduler
  • EveryMonthScheduler
  • EveryYearScheduler


Here currently there is only one extension for KronScheduler: KronScheduler#asFlow. As a result you will get Flow<DateTime> (in fact SchedulerFlow) which will trigger next emit on each not null next DateTime