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It is simple (in comparison with other systems) DI, which aim to be compatible and predictable.
## Platforms support
* [x] JVM
* [ ] JS
* [ ] Native
## Required environment
To use this library you will need two things:
* Json serializer
* Json config
Unfortunately, currently not supported other formats (due to
[issue in Kotlinx.serialization](
## How to implement
Currently you can connect repository JCenter:
repositories {
// ...
// ...
and implement it like here:
dependencies {
implementation "com.insanusmokrassar:sdi:$sdi_version"
Last version shown here: [ ![Download]( ](
## Format of config
Full examples of usage you can find in [tests](src/commonTest/kotlin/com/insanusmokrassar/sdi). In two words, there are
a few rules for constructing of config:
* Config root is an Json Object
* Config root names will be used as dependency names
* In the config dependency names can be used everywhere
* In places, where dependency will be injected, must be used `@ContextualSerializer` annotation or `@Serializer(ContextSerializer::class)`
### Examples
Lets imagine, that we have several interfaces and classes:
package com.example
// ... //
interface ControllerAPI {
fun showUp()
interface ServiceAPI {
val names: List<String>
class Controller(@ContextualSerialization val service: ServiceAPI) : ControllerAPI {
override fun showUp() {
println("Inited with name \"${service.names}\"")
class BusinessService(override val names: List<String>) : ServiceAPI
Here there is common way to create all of this directly:
val service = BusinessService(listOf("One", "Two"))
val controller = Controller(service)
And with config for this library:
"service": [
"names": ["One", "Two"]
"controller": [
"service": "service"
Kotlin code will be:
val module = Json.plain.parse(Module.serializer(), input)
val businessService = (module["service"] as BusinessService)
Here `input` is a json of configuration.
List example you can find in
[this test](
Besides, usually you can create objects inside of places where expected something like dependency injection directly. In
this case config will look like:
"controller": [
"service": [
"names": ["One", "Two"]
More expanded example you can find in
[suitable test](