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package dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* Define checkable holder which can be used to precheck that this handler may handle incoming [State]
interface CheckableHandlerHolder<I : State, O : State> : StatesHandler<I, O> {
suspend fun checkHandleable(state: O): Boolean
* Default realization of [StatesHandler]. It will incapsulate checking of [State] type in [checkHandleable] and class
* casting in [handleState]
class CustomizableHandlerHolder<I : O, O : State>(
private val delegateTo: StatesHandler<I, O>,
private val filter: suspend (state: O) -> Boolean
) : CheckableHandlerHolder<I, O> {
* Checks that [state] can be handled by [delegateTo]. Under the hood it will check exact equality of [state]
* [KClass] and use [KClass.isInstance] of [inputKlass] if [strict] == false
override suspend fun checkHandleable(state: O) = filter(state)
* Calls [delegateTo] method [StatesHandler.handleState] with [state] casted to [I]. Use [checkHandleable]
* to be sure that this [StatesHandlerHolder] will be able to handle [state]
override suspend fun StatesMachine<in O>.handleState(state: I): O? {
return delegateTo.run { handleState(state) }
fun <I : O, O : State> StateHandlerHolder(
inputKlass: KClass<I>,
strict: Boolean = false,
delegateTo: StatesHandler<I, O>
) = CustomizableHandlerHolder(
StatesHandler<O, O> {
delegateTo.run { handleState(it as I) }
if (strict) {
{ it::class == inputKlass }
} else {
{ inputKlass.isInstance(it) }
inline fun <reified I : O, O : State> StateHandlerHolder(
strict: Boolean = false,
delegateTo: StatesHandler<I, O>
) = StateHandlerHolder(I::class, strict, delegateTo)
inline fun <reified I : O, O: State> StatesHandler<I, O>.holder(
strict: Boolean = true
) = StateHandlerHolder<I, O>(
inline fun <I : O, O: State> StatesHandler<I, O>.holder(
noinline filter: suspend (state: State) -> Boolean
) = CustomizableHandlerHolder<O, O>(
{ this@holder.run { handleState(it as I) } },