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abstract suspend fun contains(id: IdType): Boolean
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abstract suspend fun count(): Long
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abstract suspend fun create(values: List<InputValueType>): List<ObjectType>
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abstract suspend fun deleteById(ids: List<IdType>)
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abstract suspend fun getById(id: IdType): ObjectType?
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abstract suspend fun getByPagination(pagination: Pagination): PaginationResult<ObjectType>
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abstract suspend fun update(values: List<UpdatedValuePair<IdType, InputValueType>>): List<ObjectType>
abstract suspend fun update(id: IdType, value: InputValueType): ObjectType?


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abstract val deletedObjectsIdsFlow: Flow<IdType>
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abstract val newObjectsFlow: Flow<ObjectType>
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abstract val updatedObjectsFlow: Flow<ObjectType>


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fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputType> CRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>.cached(    kvCache: FullKVCache<IdType, ObjectType>,     scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default),     idGetter: (ObjectType) -> IdType): FullCRUDCacheRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>
fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputType> CRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>.cached(    kvCache: KVCache<IdType, ObjectType>,     scope: CoroutineScope,     idGetter: (ObjectType) -> IdType): CRUDCacheRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>
fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputType> CRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>.cached(    kvCache: FullKVCache<IdType, ObjectType>,     scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default),     idGetter: (ObjectType) -> IdType): FullCRUDCacheRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>
fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputType> CRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>.cached(    kvCache: KVCache<IdType, ObjectType>,     scope: CoroutineScope,     idGetter: (ObjectType) -> IdType): CRUDCacheRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>
fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputType> CRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>.cached(    kvCache: FullKVCache<IdType, ObjectType>,     scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default),     idGetter: (ObjectType) -> IdType): FullCRUDCacheRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>
fun <ObjectType, IdType, InputType> CRUDRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>.cached(    kvCache: KVCache<IdType, ObjectType>,     scope: CoroutineScope,     idGetter: (ObjectType) -> IdType): CRUDCacheRepo<ObjectType, IdType, InputType>
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inline fun <FromKey, FromValue, FromInput, ToKey, ToValue, ToInput> CRUDRepo<ToValue, ToKey, ToInput>.withMapper(    noinline keyFromToTo: suspend FromKey.() -> ToKey = { this as ToKey },     noinline valueFromToTo: suspend FromValue.() -> ToValue = { this as ToValue },     noinline inputFromToTo: suspend FromInput.() -> ToInput = { this as ToInput },     noinline keyToToFrom: suspend ToKey.() -> FromKey = { this as FromKey },     noinline valueToToFrom: suspend ToValue.() -> FromValue = { this as FromValue },     noinline inputToToFrom: suspend ToInput.() -> FromInput = { this as FromInput }): CRUDRepo<FromValue, FromKey, FromInput>
inline fun <FromKey, FromValue, FromInput, ToKey, ToValue, ToInput> CRUDRepo<ToValue, ToKey, ToInput>.withMapper(    noinline keyFromToTo: suspend FromKey.() -> ToKey = { this as ToKey },     noinline valueFromToTo: suspend FromValue.() -> ToValue = { this as ToValue },     noinline inputFromToTo: suspend FromInput.() -> ToInput = { this as ToInput },     noinline keyToToFrom: suspend ToKey.() -> FromKey = { this as FromKey },     noinline valueToToFrom: suspend ToValue.() -> FromValue = { this as FromValue },     noinline inputToToFrom: suspend ToInput.() -> FromInput = { this as FromInput }): CRUDRepo<FromValue, FromKey, FromInput>
inline fun <FromKey, FromValue, FromInput, ToKey, ToValue, ToInput> CRUDRepo<ToValue, ToKey, ToInput>.withMapper(    noinline keyFromToTo: suspend FromKey.() -> ToKey = { this as ToKey },     noinline valueFromToTo: suspend FromValue.() -> ToValue = { this as ToValue },     noinline inputFromToTo: suspend FromInput.() -> ToInput = { this as ToInput },     noinline keyToToFrom: suspend ToKey.() -> FromKey = { this as FromKey },     noinline valueToToFrom: suspend ToValue.() -> FromValue = { this as FromValue },     noinline inputToToFrom: suspend ToInput.() -> FromInput = { this as FromInput }): CRUDRepo<FromValue, FromKey, FromInput>