Package dev.inmo.micro_utils.ktor.client


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class UnifiedRequester(val client: <ERROR CLASS> = HttpClient(), val serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat)
class UnifiedRequester(val client: <ERROR CLASS> = HttpClient(), val serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat)
class UnifiedRequester(val client: <ERROR CLASS> = HttpClient(), val serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat)


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inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     crossinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     crossinline conversation: suspend (StandardKtorSerialInputData) -> T): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     deserializer: <ERROR CLASS><T>,     crossinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat,     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): <ERROR CLASS>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     crossinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     crossinline conversation: suspend (StandardKtorSerialInputData) -> T): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     deserializer: <ERROR CLASS><T>,     crossinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat,     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): <ERROR CLASS>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     crossinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     crossinline conversation: suspend (StandardKtorSerialInputData) -> T): Flow<T>
inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS>.createStandardWebsocketFlow(    url: String,     deserializer: <ERROR CLASS><T>,     crossinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat,     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): <ERROR CLASS>
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fun <T> <ERROR CLASS><T>.encodeUrlQueryValue(value: T, serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
fun <T> <ERROR CLASS><T>.encodeUrlQueryValue(value: T, serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
fun <T> <ERROR CLASS><T>.encodeUrlQueryValue(value: T, serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
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expect suspend fun MPPFile.inputProvider(): <ERROR CLASS>
expect suspend fun MPPFile.inputProvider(): <ERROR CLASS>
expect suspend fun MPPFile.inputProvider(): <ERROR CLASS>
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inline fun <T : Any> openBaseWebSocketFlow(noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true }, noinline webSocketSessionRequest: suspend SendChannel<T>.() -> Unit): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> openBaseWebSocketFlow(noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true }, noinline webSocketSessionRequest: suspend SendChannel<T>.() -> Unit): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> openBaseWebSocketFlow(noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true }, noinline webSocketSessionRequest: suspend SendChannel<T>.() -> Unit): Flow<T>
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inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openSecureWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openSecureWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openSecureWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
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inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     useSecureConnection: Boolean,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     useSecureConnection: Boolean,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> <ERROR CLASS>.openWebSocketFlow(    url: String,     useSecureConnection: Boolean,     noinline checkReconnection: suspend (Throwable?) -> Boolean = { true },     noinline requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<T>
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expect suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tempUpload(    fullTempUploadDraftPath: String,     file: MPPFile,     onUpload: (uploaded: Long, count: Long) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): TemporalFileId
suspend fun UnifiedRequester.tempUpload(    fullTempUploadDraftPath: String,     file: MPPFile,     onUpload: (uploaded: Long, count: Long) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): TemporalFileId
expect suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tempUpload(    fullTempUploadDraftPath: String,     file: MPPFile,     onUpload: (uploaded: Long, count: Long) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): TemporalFileId
suspend fun UnifiedRequester.tempUpload(    fullTempUploadDraftPath: String,     file: MPPFile,     onUpload: (uploaded: Long, count: Long) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): TemporalFileId
expect suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tempUpload(    fullTempUploadDraftPath: String,     file: MPPFile,     onUpload: (uploaded: Long, count: Long) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): TemporalFileId
suspend fun UnifiedRequester.tempUpload(    fullTempUploadDraftPath: String,     file: MPPFile,     onUpload: (uploaded: Long, count: Long) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): TemporalFileId
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inline fun <ERROR CLASS>.throwOnUnsuccess(unsuccessMessage: () -> String)
inline fun <ERROR CLASS>.throwOnUnsuccess(unsuccessMessage: () -> String)
inline fun <ERROR CLASS>.throwOnUnsuccess(unsuccessMessage: () -> String)
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suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.uniget(    url: String,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.uniget(    url: String,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.uniget(    url: String,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
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suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     mppFile: MPPFile,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     mppFile: MPPFile,     otherData: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     filename: String,     inputProvider: <ERROR CLASS>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     filename: String,     otherData: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     inputProvider: <ERROR CLASS>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     mppFile: MPPFile,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     mppFile: MPPFile,     otherData: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     filename: String,     inputProvider: <ERROR CLASS>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     filename: String,     otherData: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     inputProvider: <ERROR CLASS>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     mppFile: MPPFile,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     mppFile: MPPFile,     otherData: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     filename: String,     inputProvider: <ERROR CLASS>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unimultipart(    url: String,     filename: String,     otherData: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     inputProvider: <ERROR CLASS>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     mimetype: String = "*/*",     additionalParametersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     dataHeadersBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     requestBuilder: <ERROR CLASS>.() -> Unit = {},     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): ResultType
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suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unipost(    url: String,     bodyInfo: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unipost(    url: String,     bodyInfo: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>
suspend fun <BodyType, ResultType> <ERROR CLASS>.unipost(    url: String,     bodyInfo: Pair<<ERROR CLASS><BodyType>, BodyType>,     resultDeserializer: <ERROR CLASS><ResultType>,     serialFormat: <ERROR CLASS> = standardKtorSerialFormat): <ERROR CLASS>


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val defaultRequester: UnifiedRequester
val defaultRequester: UnifiedRequester
val defaultRequester: UnifiedRequester