Package dev.inmo.micro_utils.repos.onetomany


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typealias KeyValuesAndroidRepo<Key, Value> = OneToManyAndroidRepo<Key, Value>
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class OneToManyAndroidRepo<Key, Value>(    tableName: String,     keyAsString: Key.() -> String,     valueAsString: Value.() -> String,     keyFromString: String.() -> Key,     valueFromString: String.() -> Value,     helper: SQLiteOpenHelper) : KeyValuesRepo<Key, Value>


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fun <Key, Value> KeyValuesAndroidRepo(    tableName: String,     keySerializer: <ERROR CLASS><Key>,     valueSerializer: <ERROR CLASS><Value>,     helper: SQLiteOpenHelper): <ERROR CLASS>
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fun <Key, Value> OneToManyAndroidRepo(    tableName: String,     keySerializer: <ERROR CLASS><Key>,     valueSerializer: <ERROR CLASS><Value>,     helper: SQLiteOpenHelper): <ERROR CLASS>