value class HEXAColor(val uint: UInt) : Comparable<HEXAColor> (source)

Wrapper for RGBA colors. Receiving UInt in main constructor. Each part in main constructor configured with 0x00 - 0xff range. Examples:

  • Red: 0xff0000ffu

  • Red (0.5 capacity): 0xff000088u

Anyway it is recommended to use


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constructor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int)
constructor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, aOfOne: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(uint: UInt)


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object Companion


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val a: Int
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val b: Int
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val g: Int
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val hex: String
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val r: Int
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val rgb: String
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val rgbInt: Int
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val uint: UInt


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open operator override fun compareTo(other: HEXAColor): Int
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fun copy(r: Int = this.r, g: Int = this.g, b: Int = this.b, aOfOne: Float = this.aOfOne): HEXAColor
fun copy(r: Int = this.r, g: Int = this.g, b: Int = this.b, a: Int): HEXAColor
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open override fun toString(): String