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class ActionsRecyclerViewAdapter(data: List<AlertAction>, dialogInterfaceGetter: () -> DialogInterface) : RecyclerViewAdapter<AlertAction>
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class ActionViewHolder(container: ViewGroup, dialogInterfaceGetter: () -> DialogInterface) : AbstractStandardViewHolder<AlertAction>
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data class AlertAction(val title: String, val callback: (DialogInterface) -> Unit)


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fun Context.createActionsAlertDialog(    actions: List<AlertAction>,     title: Int? = null,     positivePair: Pair<Int, AlertDialogCallback?>? = null,     neutralPair: Pair<Int, AlertDialogCallback?>? = null,     negativePair: Pair<Int, AlertDialogCallback?>? = null,     show: Boolean = true): AlertDialog
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fun Context.createRecyclerViewDialog(    title: Int? = null,     positivePair: Pair<Int, AlertDialogCallback?>? = null,     neutralPair: Pair<Int, AlertDialogCallback?>? = null,     negativePair: Pair<Int, AlertDialogCallback?>? = null,     show: Boolean = true,     layoutManager: RecyclerView.LayoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this),     marginOfRecyclerView: Int = 8,     recyclerViewSetUp: RecyclerView.() -> Unit = {},     adapterFactory: () -> RecyclerView.Adapter<*>): AlertDialog