
interface StatesMachine<T : State> : StatesHandler<T, T>

Default StatesMachine may startChain and use inside logic for handling States. By default you may use DefaultStatesMachine or build it with dev.inmo.micro_utils.fsm.common.dsl.buildFSM. Implementers MUST NOT start handling until start method will be called


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object Companion


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abstract suspend fun StatesMachine<in T>.handleState(state: T): T?

Main handling of state. In case when this state leads to another State and handleState returns not null State it is assumed that chain is not completed.

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open suspend fun launchStateHandling(state: T, handlers: List<CheckableHandlerHolder<in T, T>>): T?
open suspend fun launchStateHandling(state: T, handlers: List<CheckableHandlerHolder<in T, T>>, onStateHandlingErrorHandler: StateHandlingErrorHandler<T>): T?
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abstract fun start(scope: CoroutineScope): Job

Starts handling of States

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abstract suspend fun startChain(state: T)

Start chain of States witn state


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inline fun <I : O, O : State> StatesHandler<I, O>.holder(strict: Boolean = true): CustomizableHandlerHolder<O, O>
inline fun <I : O, O : State> StatesHandler<I, O>.holder(noinline filter: suspend (state: State) -> Boolean): CustomizableHandlerHolder<O, O>